Name: Egor Age: 18 Country: Ukraine 🇺🇦 Birthday date: 20 May I like play Half-Life 1-2 and mods, Garry's Mod, Left 4 Dead 2, Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike series and more games I'm modding and customizing GoldSrc and Source Engine games I'm making posters in Garry's Mod My Steam Friend Code: 1562488418 My Discord: _shadow_864_ (without tags)

Report RSS My MEGA Workshop is opened in public access

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And so I decided to open my workshop of packs and models in MEGA to public access.
That is, there are a pack of models that were not included on the GameBanana and ModDB website.
Because there were models that were taken from the GameBanana website and I was generally too lazy to mention the authors on GameBanana, because there were supposedly a bunch of authors there.
And these works, which were generally available exclusively on MEGA, were previously on Google Drive, and because of lack of space on Google Drive, I decided to move them to MEGA.

MEGA Workshop Link

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