I've learned not to look that deeply into what people say as it's mostly a reflection of themselves. Honesty's an attribute of the truly brave- a privilege of the very few.

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Part I

On a distant, lush planet in a remote long-forgotten star system. In front of some archaic, enchanted ruins mostly surrounded by luxuriant vegetation. A faint breeze, rustling leaves and humming trees wouldn't let our protagonist get a wink of sleep.

It was a relatively cold dawn as the sun was rising over the sea. She was staring off into the distance shifting her gaze towards the sun. The red dwarf star was casting a dim light on her face revealing her pristine blue eyes. She was leaning against an outside wall thinking about the recent developments concerning her partner that left in search of an increasing menace that threatened to disrupt and irrevocably change the galaxy.

She composed herself and moved away from the masonry brown wall. Her double-bladed lightsaber was hanging from her belt. She folded her arms and looked up at the sky wondering if she'd see him again. She looked stern and solemn for a moment feeling the cold breeze engulfing her.

All of a sudden, her pensive mood was disturbed by a silky, soothing voice- "Bastila". It was but one word, but it was clear and she recognized it for what it was. It made her feel warm and felicitous. It was merely one word that filled her with a fervent hope.

A fair amount of crimson clouds rolled in and rain instantly started beating down. She froze up as some recent memories came flooding back. She remembered a grotesque scene where she and a black hooded figure were standing in front of the Jedi council willingly inclined to share their hands-on experience and unconventional wisdom regarding the Force with the revered Jedi Masters, but their explanations fell deaf on ears and were dismissed out of hand. Bastila's fall from grace was as heavy as the rain pelting down on her soaked Jedi robes. She came to herself and decided to return to her orange starship with brown stripes on its wings.

On her way back to the ship, her eyes were already misting over. Jedi's rejection reduced her high hopes to the rubble. She sensed that Jedi were downright appalled by Revan's return and that they would have imposed a substantial sentence on him had he not saved the galaxy from a certain fall.

She was now walking through an abundant forest. Her mind was crystal clear. Instantly the leaves rustled as someone stepped on a twig crunching it and sending echoes through the forest. Bastila could hear a characteristic hiss and hum of a lightsaber somewhere behind the dense trees. A white figure stepped into the light revealing white hair and dim blue eyes filled with liquid hatred.

"We have a score to settle" said the mysterious figure raising her blue blade towards our protagonist. "That's a funny way to go about it. I'm fairly confused as to what brings you before me though. I sense a great deal of pent-up rage inside of you, Atris. There's no need to engage in a fight." Bastila and her opponent held each other's gaze for a few seconds. Our heroine smirked and took the liberty to quote Revan "There's no emotion, there is peace."

Without hesitation, Atris launched at Bastila. Her azure blade whirling like a wind each time missing Shan by mere centimeters. Finally, Bastila ignited one yellow lightsaber intercepting Atris' furious horizontal swing. There was a clash for a while. Shan's smile was met with her antagonist cold lifeless stare. At this point, Bastila force-pushed her adversary sending her tumbling into a tree. Atris stood up relatively quick and at the same time Shan ignited her second blade preparing herself for an enraged attack.

Atris was amazed by Bastila's skills, to say the least. Her pensive mood was broken by Bastila's voice. "I assume you're a rouge Jedi just as Meetra said. You'll have to face the Council this time." Atris cut down a tree blocking Shan's way. Atris managed to quickly run away with her tail between her legs. "She must have been appalled by Revan's return and she decided to take it out on me as though she hoped to hurt not me but Revan." mumbled Bastila switching off her double-bladed Jedi weapon.

Upon returning to her starship, Shan sat comfortably in her seat, primed the engine and flew away disappearing behind crimson clouds.

  • Part II

Fear is a reaction, fortitude is a decision. She finally plucked up enough courage to visit an archaic, neglected and long-forgotten tomb on the barren, arid world of Korriban. It was a deliberate resolve and Meetra's encouragement that led Bastila here. Surik merely mentioned a vault where Revan appeared to her and that perhaps in the same place the Force would reveal a sensible answer to the current predicament.

As her pristine star-ship touched down smoothly in the valley of ancient, tenebrous lords, she gazed at the abrasive sand and worn-out structures in front of her. She was wondering what sort of potent artifacts may lay beneath the sands of this particular region of the planet. She gracefully left the ship.

Darkness dwells in this grim place, but she wouldn't let the sentiment get the better of her. She had learned her lessons and under the tutelage of Revan, her understanding of the Force evolved beyond the comprehension of the stoic, conventional Jedi masters that wouldn't venture off the beaten path.

Darkness paved the way for a considerable insight into the Force. Distinguishing light and obscurity and being able to walk a thin line between these two sides is as if you striked a happy medium. "Positive emotions like love and happiness can strengthen your connection to the Force in the same way that hatred and anger bestow more power on those who follow a different path." She paraphrased Revan's words.

Now it was time to soak up the atmosphere and venture into the forbidden labyrinth and vault where Revan's Force apparition was seen by Meetra. Surik also mentioned that her former teacher at that time, Darth Traya, subtly urged her to make a choice saying that apathy is death. She was implying the Mandalorian Wars and Revan's deplored choices of coure.

As Shan was walking past abandoned archaeological sites, she noticed deceased bodies and their relics. She was advised not to touch such things as they could evoke ancient spirits in the valley.

At last she spotted the entrance to the tomb, but it was entirely collapsed, debris all over the place, slightly tilted columns, dust and so on. She sat cross-legged in front of the entrance. She closed her eyes and slowly but deliberately started telekinetically lifting the debris and putting it aside. She positioned 2 columns in a vertical way in order to support the entrance. At this point she was ready to walk into the tomb.

Once inside, Shan noticed several flying creatures heading her way. She got ahold of them using the Force and smashed them into the wall crashing their bones and instantly killing them. She followed a beaten track disposing of the same creatures in various ways. The tomb was almost empty implying that numerous people had been here before. At long last, the cave she was in finally ended revealing an open space with a narrow bridge in front of her. Bastila sensed a tremor in the Force as she noticed one of the worst monsters appearing out of thin air just beyond the small bridge.

She wouldn't miss out on such a difficult challenge and almost nobody would share her enthusiasm for sheer fun in this situation. Instead of attacking the beast directly, she attempted to influence its mind with the Force. It had worked perfectly on any creature until now. All of a sudden, Gundark launched at Shan threatning to rip her apart with its tusks and claws.

There was no need to go through this charade using a lightsaber and instead she used a force lightning to overpower the beast, which subsequently began to stagger. Lightning bolts were so intense that they burned Gundark's flesh. It was high time to finish off the beast. Bastila shot a blast of air at the monster sending him into a wall. The Force blast was so powerful that the beast was ripped apart leaving an immense hole in the dusty wall.

Now, it was time to pursue the path to the bitter end. "Place is shaping up real nice." she said leaving Gandark lifeless body behind...

  • Part III

Labyrinthine corridors and faint illegible marks on the walls gave off an uncanny atmosphere that sent a shiver down Shan's spine, but there was a sense of adventure and accomplishment that led her this far and she was determined to bring this endeavor to an end.

At long last, she found a passageway to the main vault with a colossal statue of a Sith warrior to the left. As she walked in looking at the statue, she heard a vague whisper "Apathy is death". Bastila spotted one last corridor that most likely led to a sepulchre of a Sith lord. She walked up to the door and ran her fingers along it. Slightly wiping the dust off the door, she revealed a hateful spell that presumably would open the door. She wasn't completely sure if she should articulate such a dark incantation, but that was the only way to open to tomb.

After reciting the incantation, the door simply opened. She was fairly certain that something would pop up out of nowhere, but there was only silence.

There was a tomb in the middle of the room, but it was already open and all the artifacts must have been pillaged some time ago.

Shan was quite saddened and dismayed due to the unsuccessful venture. When she turned around she saw a phantasm of someone Revan described just before his departure to unexplored space in outer rim. It was Kreia, but her incorporeal apparition was slightly red and transparent. It was just staring at her and after a while disappeared vaguely saying "Exegol", but what the ghost meant by it? Bastila was perplexed and thought to herself "Is it an item?" she quickly dismissed this idea thinking "Perhaps it's an obscure place?"

Upon returning to her ship, she immediately checked the star map in search of the enigmatic planet, but her efforts were in vain as there was no such thing anywhere. Revan told her "On no account follow me, it's far too perilous for you." But would she stop her search for Revan?

  • Part IV

Harsh, coarse plains stretched for miles to no end. A lightning illuminated the abstruse barren landscape- a deafening crackling sound soon followed. She could hardly see, if anything at all, marching onward and trying to gasp for fresh air amidst a wailing, whirling wind. Temperature seemed to drop at an equitably rate. There was still a ways to go before reaching an immense structure situated in front of her.

As she was approaching this, to all appearances, abandoned formation, the ground seemed more cragged and hostile. More lightnings lit the obscure sky. She shifted her gaze to a wide entrance that came into view. She would either perish in the belligerent weather or prevail by venturing into the structure ahead of her.

She could sense a measurable whisper of some life forms within the, "temple", she thought. It wasn't a labyrinth, but some substantial corridors with immense statues and glyphs. It wasn't long before she spotted a colossal withered wall with carvings of some past dark lords. She recognized the unmistakable lord of hunger and some past arcane lords at the top. She was now shifting her gaze downwards until she noticed Alek and someone else. It wasn't just her companion, but also her master.

Who would sculpt, carve such monumental figures, but it didn't matter to Shan. Her objective was to find her companion and leave this planet. As she was walking down the path, she noticed a tank filled with water, someone was there, but who? Instantly, everything became hazy, blurry and misty until she couldn't see anything at all. "Mort... is..." she heard a soft almost indistinct whisper. She closed her eyes and woke up in her morbid bed. Was it a dream or a Force vision and what's even more important, what was its meaning and purpose.

It must have been Exegol, she murmured to herself somewhat relaxing after this lucid vision. The "Mort" word echoed vividly in Bastila's head brining a pervasive, uneasy feeling. The word itself could derive from any term of death, but there was also "is", could it mean Mortis in the end? Do Force ghosts or the Force itself impose such visions on Force-sensitive beings? She had an uncanny feeling that she was not going to find this place on any star chart.

  • A follow-up story(which is somewhat/loosely correlated with previous parts).

She held up her yellow blade in order to illuminate the path ahead. In a narrow corridor she noticed some small cracks in the walls from which a cold water was flowing. As she continued down the path, a spacious chamber came into view and a neglected fountain in the middle of it. As she walked in, she heard a common hum of a lightsaber coming from up ahead. She looked around, but didn't notice anything. Quickly, she shifted her gaze towards the fountain and slowly approached it stepping on withered leaves on the floor.

Upon seeing the fountain, she looked at the water, but nothing seemed out of order. The more she looked the dizzier she became. After a few seconds, the water turned red and a yellowish smoke emerged from the fountain covering the whole grey floor and soon, the whole chamber was filled with the smoke. She solemnly stepped away from the water and looked around only to notice, to her bewilderment, two familiar figures confronting a dark entity.

Suddenly, these three figures turned into unknown beings, it was the same scheme though: an obscure entity overwhelming the Jedi, forcing them to fall on their knees and drawing the vitality from them using a Force technique that... As she was witnessing the scene, the dark entity took the words out of her mouth... "unseen for generations." At this point she couldn't see anything more except for that dark figure, which instantly gazed at Shan and said, "immortal", and the whole vision ended there.

She was gasping for fresh air as the fumes slowly started vanishing. She closed her eyes knowing deep in her heart that it was just another vision. The Force was trying to tell her something rather important or was is just a recurring familiar pattern that has been seen for thousands of years: dark versus light. As though one couldn't exist without the other, she thought. But was there a distinct correlation between these two separate events and if so, would it happen again.

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Post comment Comments  (20 - 30 of 71)
OrangeNero - - 6,594 comments

John-Wick Ich bin einer von denen die Episode 8 sehr gut finden. Allerdings mag ich Episode 7 und 9 überhaupt nicht. Möchtest du mit mir ein bisschen darüber chatten?

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Genzo-111 Creator
Genzo-111 - - 885 comments

Ich nehme an, der zweite Film der Trilogie war, wie Lucas sagte, wunderschön gemacht, aber ansonsten ist er innen hohl.

Lukes Astral-/Kraftprojektion war, um es milde auszudrücken, eine Inspiration aus einem Film namens Escape from LA. Du musst einen Blick darauf werfen - Moddb.com hehe

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OrangeNero - - 6,594 comments

Ein aktives member, coolio

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Genzo-111 Creator
Genzo-111 - - 885 comments

Ich habe heute auf wundersame Weise einen freundlichen Spieler in DayZ gefunden. Wie hoch sind die Chancen... ^_^

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Nana_Joo - - 3,045 comments

Hi there. Looks like you are die-hard fan of SW series

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Genzo-111 Creator
Genzo-111 - - 885 comments

I used to read SW comics and novels to further develop my own rational understanding of this franchise, now I focus primarily on preserving certain parts of so called Legends by updating my SW group and my own profile.

Ever since Disney took over, I've been more of a casual fan. The Old Republic is temporarily intact, that is, it hasn't been contaminated by Disney yet. What about you? You're a fan of something interesting?

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Nana_Joo - - 3,045 comments

I'm more into Tolkien's actually

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Genzo-111 Creator
Genzo-111 - - 885 comments

Honestly, I've experienced the whole gamut of emotions watching LOTR. However, when it comes to the crunch, I prefer SW over LOTR as there's that liberty to explore the vast expanse of a galaxy filled with meaningful places and events. But, to each their own. Thanks for your opinion. It's quite important to have a hobby.

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Nana_Joo - - 3,045 comments

I like how the world is described within the Tolkien universe. Of how the story unfolds. The majestic city of elf. The marvel of ancient dwarf kingdom, and also dragon. The journey into the unknown. Trust and friendship. How you feel every inch of story described.

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Genzo-111 Creator
Genzo-111 - - 885 comments

There's a conventional notion of an onerous burden in SW and LOTR that just goes to show how much acute pain one has to endure until the very end. A journey towards personal and worldly liberation.

Everyone has a burden on their shoulders or some people simply are dealt a lousy hand.

"It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn’t want to know the end, because how could the end be happy?

How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass.

A new day will come, and when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.

Those were the stories that stayed with you, that meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back. Only they didn’t, because they were holding on to something.

That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for."

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