29 yrs old; employed on piston production workshop; Born in Inowroclaw Poland; date of birth: 14 march 1986; favorite games: fps-FarCry, DooM3, Prey /rpg-BaldursGate, Diablo2 /sports-NfS: Porshe2000+Underground+MostWanted+ProStreet

Report RSS My mod recomendations for today #3

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With no further introduction.

Game: Half life 2
Game modes affected: Single player & Multi player
Mod name: SMOD (SuperMOD)

There are many variations of SMOD and only 1 i can really recomend. SMOD Tactical Delta aims to bring as much realsim to half life 2 as it is possible. Forget about out of the space combines now theyre just plain humans with present gear and weapons. And so are you. No more EAV suite, just simple kevlar vest standard modern warfare and new kick mele attack [Thats an rip off cheap bastards!! - Duke Nukem]. Welcome to HL2, CS:S style.

Also there are many new graphical effects:

-dof depth of field
-motion blur
-Blood and water decals (witness blood splattered on your, water droplets sliding down of your visor
-and much more.

Google it for newest 5.56 (aka Limited Edition) version.

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