Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

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019; Complete

yes, year in review, my (old, we did this in college) current thing

I'm still modding - the 2019 collection of 365 days contained a break though;

God (Lord Jesus Christ) saved me!

From what? myself. We treat our selves so poorly. and that whole eternity of suffering deal...
(Yes, it is real - seriously)

Highly recommended, if the Lord "calls" you, please listen to Him.

So I had an awesome year of experiences I'm not explaining here

Since this is about mods and gaming and all...

what went on with that?

WIP: map chunks, map chunks, and... map chunks
-- current theme - base run ( e1m1, e2m1, e3m1, e4m1 )

until end of april month relative time frame
map chunks for a base theme level to play in the quake-hack engine

it works fine - looks like a random quake base level
plays a bit repetitve and boring for now

someone did offer to help with map chunks, I intend to take them up
if that will work out for both our satisfaction

after that game wise;

I finished off terraria to the august month range
and some pac-man 256 and pac-man championship (both crazy updates to the old pac)

then it was actual hardware mods on the new vehicle

crows make a cool sound

(yes this crow vinyl is my image .sig now)

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