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Half way along I bogged down eradicating the final bugs in CM: Archons.

So not much new of late in the .plan

The next beta release of Chaos Mod: the Archons may indeed be ready. I ran a bot test server 2 weeks
without seeing a crash. But there is still testing and package building to do. Need to check
the code to see if there are any "remove before release" items as well. I am sure some test code
is still in there.

My biggest concern is that nothing is added to the alpha besides polish and a couple of minor
goodies. In fact without some config updates it doesnt even contain as many RNG items.
This due to the main way cfg items work having changed and needing reloaded.

I have the biggest plans for the Quake Hack system. Just need to factor working on all the
map pieces into my daily flow. Once I do that I can start tweaking the system to see if
I can make it playable. I have some ideas to make random map gen work reasonably well.

Still, I'm hovering between a "full" explorable world kind of idea and some kind of "more like quake 1" dungeon kind of map.

There are some PK3.0 update notes. I am a bit away from working on that. Not in the mindset.
I want to check out the latest PK Arena release as well. They uploaded the source for that.
Might be something I could incorporate.

Had this crazy idea. Take Map Hack engine and make some libraries, like q2 works.
Add in a doom port, maybe q2, q3, possibly others. Modify the map loader to recognize
all the maps, then run the code that matches the map type. The base Map Hack qc code would
always run. This mostly stemmed from wanting the NPR quake render engine in Map Hack.

NPR Quake images:

The big mole hill in my way is this massive library of steam games I've managed to accumulate.
Without playing many of them. I started an accounting project to get a feel for the libraries
value. Mostly because I have this math thing and I like spread sheets. Want to find out
and average cost per game. I need to play some of these games, and winter is a great time for that.

It seems the average cost is $1.44. For all that I used paypal anyway.

Once I start playing though - dang stuff takes over. Some of these games are highly addicting.

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