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Testing testing... 1..2..3..

Well this is my 1st ever blog I have done. Today I will be discussing my delight being apart of the Shatter Lands Team. I am one of the mappers for the team. I pretty much take the custom models units and all of that happy "stuff" throw them in a map that I create very slowly but with care. My current map I am working on is a heavy W.I.P. but I will tell you its name for now. {sl_ ukraine_mp_wip} The basis of the map is the EU is entering the northern part of the Ukraine when their scouts uncover what appears to be a old abandoned Soviet era base. It looks long and forgotten by all but Time. In its semi dilapidated state the base looks harmless yet disturbing. Most Wild Life around it is either scrub brushes semi-dead grass or pine trees. The EU scouts also reported seeing crosses with gas-masks and tanks on them. Local-Folklore tells of mysterious people around this region that scavenge for old military equipment and prats that could be sold. Most of them are assumed to be criminals hiding from the Ukrainian authorities. Some of the EU Soldiers started to talk and they dubbed the unknown persons as S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S. based off of some sort of Video-Game that dealt with The Zone of Alienation which is only about 30km away from the now discovered Soviet era base.

Well there is the back story in a few days I will upload some screen-shots.

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