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Post tutorial Report RSS Splat x3n model to tibwars 3

Take a model you made earlier and place it into the game using this handy guide brought to you by X3n and splat. Covered topic includes placement of shader onto model basic renaming of bones for xml and a rough /better then EA style modification arrangement which allows one to edit and add units much more clearly.

Posted by on - Intermediate Starting a mod

Part 1

hello and welcome this video is about modding Command and conquer tiberium wars.

This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of 3ds max 9

That you speak English and have installed the plug in and required applications to get all this stuff working.

If you have not done this please use the links within tutorial 1 to get the required settup

Firstly and foremost this Screen Presentation was brought to you by X3n and it remains his property, however it was not in English.

What you hear will not be a translation , it will be an audio presentation brought to you by splat another modder of C&C 3 tiberian wars.

Part 2

Open the links in the spoilers to watch the videos on youtube and please bear in mind I have had a little trouble with YT accounts so this tutorial has wound up fractured on my multiple accounts.

Part 3

now we return to the export procedure and settup our obbox in the utilities panel to obbox , make sure you have grouped your items as shown here.
Take note the direction the unit faces in the front and left veiw port to ensure the correct placement of your model.
Exporting the unit name with a SKL extension name helps the game understand this is the controller units in this example the same model is exported as a SKIN or SKN model and make reference of the bones named carefully to match the XML in the GDI Predator tank bone refrences.

All animations are handled in this unit by the XML file directing the game to control items in specific methods like raising the Barrel or firing at the enemy.

Textures and particle effects are determined by your choice of FX Shader.

Saving Each model into the same Folder like this will enable easier debugging and organisation of your modification.

Opening the W3x file in notepad or notepad ++ will enable you to search the file

First lets remove the Art folder reference to reduce confusing layouts and make the teams easier to edit later. Now look at the model Refrences to the art folder and remove them from the file. save the file and close it.

Now within your mods directory Edit the copy of GDI Predator .XML you placed there earlier
Make sure to find and replace the predatorSKN with your new robot tank S K N.

and replace the art reference to your new models folder so that it looks for files on that folder like so.Shown here is the method of Compiling your mod using the EA toolset I do recommend you try compiling with Bibbers buildmod studio tool for easier compiling to .big file formats.
Watching a demonstration of the unit in the game you can see the original predator tanks carcass as it gets killed.. as well as the muzzle flash when the unit fires.

I put a bit of time into explaining some of the items that isn't precisely clear and have a much higher res video available on request with no audio for those that get stuck , following it without sound I was indeed able to get a tank built and soon I plan to tinker around some and learn some more modding , maybe even make some more tutorials however there are some tips I threw into the tutorial so don't watch with the mute button on.I'd like to take a moment to thank X3n for his tutorial and wish you all the best in modding command and conquer tiberian wars

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Smallchange - - 2,108 comments

1; glad to see both of you are alive, lol...

2; sadly this applies to me less than I would like it too, but I'm very glad to see you guys are helping out the community ^_^ we need it with the lack of content in the community lately :P

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GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments

How do I make and imploment HUD's to C&C3;?

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