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Post tutorial Report RSS How to run Unofficial Big Bang Patch 1.04

Since I've noticed some people don't know how to run the mod (and apparently how to read notes and instructions on other sites ;) ) I've decided to post the guide here as well.

Posted by on - Basic Installers

Since I've noticed some people don't know how to run the mod (and apparently how to read notes and instructions on other sites ;) ) I've decided to post the guide here as well.

Saboteur 2047

--(Skip to the "How to play" part if you have normal version of the game (normal version = not from Steam nor Origins, Rip versions aren't supposed to work either))--


There are few methods to run mods and it also depends what version of the game you have,

Normal original (disk) version supposed to work just fine unless you have it installed in a differnt language, like for example the french version of the game,
So if you do have it in a different language you will need to rename the game's registry key (look at the end of the note to see how to do it),

If you have Steam or Origins version you might also have issue, look at the end of the note to see what you can do.

Now for the normal version


How to play:

First before anything else you will need to have WrathEd Mod Launcher 1.09+ (1.10 seem to have some random bugs so I can't recommand it atm)
And to make sure that you set it to be opened as administer,

You will also need to make new folder in "C:\Users\Username\Documents\Command & Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath" and named it as "Mods" (without the quotation marks ofc), now you will need to put the actual mod's folder in that new folder you just made,

Example: C:\Users\Username\Documents\Command & Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath\Mods <------ put the mod you want to play in it (in the Mods folder),

After that just open the WrathED Mod Launcher (as administer) and select the mod you want to run, Press on the "play" button and that it!

If the mod launcher still doesn't detects your mod folder/show nothing in the list, make sure you didn't put double folders between the mod you're trying to run and the Mods folder,
Or try to install the game on it's default directory and be sure to put the mod launcher inside it (the game's default directory folder).

Have fun!

How to play with CNC: Online

How to play in gameranger

Origins and Steam version of the game:

If you have Origins version of the game or the Command and Conquer Ultimate Collection (Which is also count as the Origins version)

Try Medstar's tool which should fix it

Or try bibber's tool which should fix it unless the game was updated

Steam version supposed to works fine but if you have any issues try the follows:

•Make sure the game is installed in your C drive and that you don't have it in an external HDD,

•Try to tell steam to fix the game for you in the steam options,

•Try edit the game registry from here (may also work for Origins):
If you know how to edit registries just replace your game's registries with the Original ones.

Alternatively you can also try this:

There is a way that can force the game to load the mod everytime it launches, however then it will always just load that mod unless you change it again,

-First, go to your Kane's Wrath folder and right-click on the "CNC3EP1_english_1.2.SkuDef" file (The "English" part will change depends on your game's language),
Then click "open with" and choose Editor.

There you need to add this on top of the other note's lines:

add-search-path C:\Users\'Your User Name'\Documents\Command & Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath\Maps\
add-search-path C:\Users\'Your User Name'\Documents\WrathEd\Mod Launcher\Kane's Wrath\Mod\
add-config C:\Users\'Your User Name'\Documents\Command & Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath\Mods\'The Mod's Folder You Wants To Run'\'Mod's skudef file' (add ".skudef " at the very end)

And save that notepad,
you should be done now, just open the game normally and you should get the mod running.

For common issues with all of the game's versions:

•Game with differnt language issue:

(in 64 bit system open Regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Wow6432Node -> Electronic Arts -> Electronic Arts -> Command and Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath -> UserDataLeafName)
and you will have to rename it with english language (May also need to rename InstallPath)

•Random crash on start up:

That can happen from many reasons but one of the most obvious ones I can think of is your game's graphics settings,
Be sure your game's graphical settings are set to be on high or above (especially on "Details" in the graphics menu) before you launches the mod,
If for whatever reason you can't lanuch the unmoded game in order to change your settings, then go to:
C:\Users\'Your User Name'\AppData\Roaming\Command & Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath\Profiles\Your Profiles Name\options.ini,
And open that option.ini file with a notepad and change the ModelLOD from Low to High, save the note and try to launch the mod again.

•Lastly make sure your Anti Virus isn't getting in the way of the Launcher/mod by blocking them!

Just to note:

Errors and issues seem to be indeed random from build to build (player's build/rig/machine/computer, not the mod's build) and they're mostly triggers on people who:
•Don't use the original disk ver of the game,
•Not having a stable OS,
•Having the game in a different directory (which depends on your OS and lang could possibly confuses the launcher from reading it),
•Have the game installed in a different language which sometime effect the registry,
•Don't have the last official patch installed/have 1.03/1.02+ installed,
•Got a broken skudef,

The possible list of issues is honestly long and in 90% of the cases it's an issue from the user's end and not from the mods.

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lordsith54 - - 6 comments is gone:( is there a alternitive you know of or maybe a download link???

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egozi44 Author
egozi44 - - 2,229 comments

Bibber is alive again ;)

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Avatar123444 - - 1 comments

I have a problem too. I launch the launcher with the mod installed, but the game starts without the mod, how to solve this problem?

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egozi44 Author
egozi44 - - 2,229 comments

What game edition you have (Disk>Steam>Origin);o ?

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Slayerogue - - 22 comments

Crashed with some memory error and bunch of random babble popped up as i was playing this on a random downloaded map, did this twice now, other mods works perfect, One Vision, TiberiumFuture, C&C3; TE , Forgotten Etc.. i have the sea pirate version with CNC3_Mod_Installer.exe to launch mods, all work fine, but this mod, just poos out random times on a skirmish..

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egozi44 Author
egozi44 - - 2,229 comments

What version you're using ;o?

What KW's edition you're using (Steam/origin/disk ver)?

Did you installed it via Command Post or launch it manually with the mod launcher?

Afaik the mod isn't prone to crashing unless you're using a very specific version,

That map you mentioned has something that not works with it,
Or that pirate ver that we modders not even supports.

(Also TE and The Forgotten are for TW not KW)

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Slayerogue - - 22 comments

The Pirate Sea copy, EA aint getting my moneys.

Installed manually and using latest version of the game, like the rest of mods in CNC folder, all run fine, i just updated the 2GB to 4GB zip you provided now it does not crash. Wish had more unique units and upgrades like TE 2.0 and OneVision, this plays quite nice i like the mod, and if you work on changing the campaign, maybe adding custom missions like squel to KW not what CNC4 was lol. Has a lot of potential.

I know TE and Forgotten are for TW lol.... i have both and beat TW and KW , just been playing more on KW cause of the new units, but have all the side campaigns and custom campaigns for TE/TW when i want to load that up, i just mentioned cause other mods were not crashing but like i said the 4GB patch thing you provided fixed it.

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egozi44 Author
egozi44 - - 2,229 comments

Oh, for whatever reason when you mentioned you got a lot of ram in the other comment my brain somehow perceived it as you saying you already used the 4gb lol,

I didn't tested the mod without it for years indeed and it's probably a must at this point xD

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Slayerogue - - 22 comments

Hope we / gamers get a big boom update on this mod when it comes to new units / buildings / edited KW missions or continue custom missions like on the TE Forgotten mod or cabal missions for that mod, would be so cool to get a big major new patch like that with this mod in a future update. - Just a suggestion.

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egozi44 Author
egozi44 - - 2,229 comments

Hope so too,
Though I the plan isn't to just add too many units and mainly to keep the feeling of a improved vanilla with only few original ideas,

but time will tell

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Guest - - 700,085 comments

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