Verdun is the first multiplayer FPS set in a realistic World War One setting, the game which started the 1914-1918 WW1 Game series. The merciless trench warfare offers a unique battlefield experience, immersing you and your squad into intense battles of attack and defense. The game takes place on the western front between 1914 and 1918, in one of the bloodiest conflicts in world history. The developers were inspired by the infamous Battle of Verdun France in 1916. The game includes many historically accurate features such as realistic WW1 weaponry, authentic uniforms and maps based on the real battlefields of France and Belgium.

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The first teasers are out for the next free map coming to WW1 FPS Isonzo! Also, Isonzo is out now on Xbox Game Pass!

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The next free update for Isonzo is coming in Q3 of this year, and we're ready to start sharing some teasers. First up are a few glimpses of the new Offensive map which will headline the update. As we mentioned in the roadmap update, you can expect to be fighting on an overcast summer day - but merely calling it 'overcast' doesn't do justice to the hard work our mappers have put in. Get a load of these skies!

There are certainly dark, forbidding clouds hanging overhead in places...


...and the sections of burning forest don't help...


...but in places the sun is trying to break through...

CropTeaser1 here - where it looks almost idyllic (aside from all the battle damage).


You probably have questions. What are these places? How extensive are those bunkers on the slope? Who is attacking and who is defending? For today that will all have to remain a mystery, but we'll be revealing more with each coming dev blog.

Isonzo is out now on Game Pass

If you have the PC or Xbox Game Pass, you can now download Isonzo for free as part of your subscription. Note that people playing via the Game Pass will not be joining the pool of Steam and Epic Games players - you can see how the various cross-play setups work in the image below.


See you on the battlefield soldiers!

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