Verdun is the first multiplayer FPS set in a realistic World War One setting, the game which started the 1914-1918 WW1 Game series. The merciless trench warfare offers a unique battlefield experience, immersing you and your squad into intense battles of attack and defense. The game takes place on the western front between 1914 and 1918, in one of the bloodiest conflicts in world history. The developers were inspired by the infamous Battle of Verdun France in 1916. The game includes many historically accurate features such as realistic WW1 weaponry, authentic uniforms and maps based on the real battlefields of France and Belgium.

Report RSS Roadmap Remix

We're adjusting the order of roadmap items a little.

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The Isonzo roadmap is changing - just a touch. We're changing the order of the next two free map releases, meaning that snow will be traded for a stifling overcast summer day. The first map from the Solstice expansion will now be released next, expected in Q3, while the third map from the White War expansion will be released in Q4.

The first Solstice cosmetic DLC will still arrive alongside the first Solstice map, meaning it will also be launching in Q3 - expect teasers for that coming soonish! We can't wait to show off what we've been working on with the new map and visual customization options.

Here's the new roadmap!

isonzo roadmap june2024

Xbox Game Pass

Isonzo is coming the Xbox Game Pass next week! This naturally includes Xbox players, but also PC players via the Microsoft Store. This is the first time Isonzo will be available on the Microsoft Store. There are some limitations on crossplay, however: people playing via the Microsoft Store will be playing together with Xbox players rather than Steam & Epic players. We'll keep you updated if this changes!

For those of you who have played Isonzo somewhere other than PC on Steam, what's your preferred platform and why?

Flakfire has fun with rocks

One of our favorite content creators had a blast with the Ascent game mode, making a compilation of amusing and exciting moments... set to a most thematic soundtrack. Here's a few clips:

Don't worry if you missed it, Ascent will be back in the future.

June6 FlakfireClipFallingOptJune6 FlakfireClipRockOptJune6 FlakfireClipTyping

Watch the whole short (with sound!) on Flakfire's YouTube.

Prepare for teasers in our next blog...

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