In 1986, the world's worst nuclear disaster occurred at the Chernobyl power station. Soviet authorities established a 30km 'Exclusion Zone' around this nuclear wasteland, but in 2006 a second explosion rocked the stricken reactor, obliterating all living things and causing the Zone's boundaries to ripple outwards. From this epicenter came waves of mutated creatures, deadly radiation, and a strange, anomalous energy. The Zone was cordoned off by the military, who would shoot on sight anyone foolish enough to brave the horrors within.

Post tutorial Report RSS Modifying S.T.A.L.K.E.R's Weapons

Modifying S.T.A.L.K.E.R's weapons is as easy as opening notepad finding out what some of the stuff means and what to edit. In this tutorial we cover a small amount and show how easy it is to do.

Posted by on - Basic Client Side Coding

Firstly download.

The S.T.A.L.K.E.R .db extractor and follow its instructions.

Then open
program files\THQ\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl\gamedata\config\weapons

Then use note pad to edit the file w_walther.ltx

You should see something like this.

Note: I have cut this down and highlighted the main part's to edit.

Weapon cost.
cost = 800 ;300

Max ammo
ammo_limit = 120

Current ammo
ammo_current = 96

Max ammo in magazine
ammo_mag_size = 16

Type of ammo this gun can fire
ammo_class = ammo_9x19_fmj, ammo_9x19_pbp

How many can you carry?
hand_dependence = 1
Not sure about this one, somthing to do with dual weapons i assume.
single_handed = 1

Shell ejection point in 3d space x,y,z
shell_point = 0.0, 0.136, 0.03
shell_dir = 0.0, 0.0, 0.4
shell_particles = weapons\generic_shells

Accuracy modifiers multipliers, 1 is standard and 1.5 is .5 times better i believe (Needs confirmation)
PDM_disp_base = 1.0
PDM_disp_vel_factor = 0.5
PDM_disp_accel_factor = 0.5
PDM_crouch = 1.0
PDM_crouch_no_acc = 1.0

Weapon damages the higher the number the more damage
hit_power = 0.31, 0.35, 0.38, 0.41
Amount of impact the bullet has
hit_impulse = 125

Wound type will affect the results of bleeding etc
hit_type = fire_wound

How far it can shoot! the number after the ; i belive is the max
fire_distance = 50 ;1000

How fast is the bullet a bullet at 10 will be like a crossbow bolt
bullet_speed = 300 ;280

Rounds per minute, how fast the gun can shoot.
rpm = 315

Bullet configs with the silencer addon same rules as above
silencer_hit_power = 0.37
silencer_hit_impulse = 105
silencer_fire_distance = 100
silencer_bullet_speed = 280

Starting ammo
;startup_ammo = 90
Model file for the model.
visual = weapons\walter_99\wpn_walter_99.ogf

Weapon addons, 1 addon is enabled, 2 attachable, 0 is addon not enabled
scope_status = 0 ; 0 - no addon
silencer_status = 0;2 ; 1 - permanent
grenade_launcher_status = 0 ; 2 - attachable

Can this zoom and if so how much so
zoom_enabled = true
scope_zoom_factor = 55
zoom_hide_crosshair = true ;to hide crosshair in zoom

Have fun mixing ammo and modding some weapons.

Once you have edited these, save the file open your game and when you look at the pistol you will notice the weapon stat and info has changed.

:) Enjoy

Modding stalker also mods your save files and guns within them.!

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TKAzA Author
TKAzA - - 3,154 comments

that’s a odd one make sure you didn’t conflict any parameters

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Wilheim - - 2 comments

Which gamedata file do you need to unpack? theres about ten of them

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SLIPKNOT_512 - - 5 comments

which file do i have to unpack??? because every single file i tried id said "Unsupported file"

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SLIPKNOT_512 - - 5 comments

Found the solution. I play the Russian version of STALKER but this unpacker is for the English one. Also you have to unpack all gamedata files so u can modify almost every single thing just like guns!!!

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TKAzA Author
TKAzA - - 3,154 comments

Yep its in the description for the addon.

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crypto559 - - 3 comments

nice tutorial but i got a questione . ? can you mod wolfinstien return ...?

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thirdshift - - 2 comments

Haha good stuff, my pistol now shoots shotgun shells.

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TKAzA Author
TKAzA - - 3,154 comments

haha nice :D

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sexyspanky - - 1 comments

i added new ammo to game (type of shotgun shell) and i put it on all shoty and on bartender and everything works fine but when i make 50 cal bullets for desert eagle and put it on bartender + gun game crashes when i go to bar i have double checked everything but cannot figure out how to fix this please help

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DoomVideoVault - - 324 comments

Here's something for those annoyed with the weapon condition dropping...


Set this to 0.0 and the weapons will NEVER decay, meaning you can run around with the same gun without needing to replace them later.

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stalkerforever - - 685 comments

thanks man but this wont stop the weapon from jamming it seems :(

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Guest - - 699,853 comments

Just set misfire_probability to 0 to make the gun never jam at any condition

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damnitDave - - 3 comments

so i added as per instrutions,but when i go to fire it it crashes.i added shotty to the groza unerhand launcher instead of grenades.bad ammo type?any further instructions....thanks

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TKAzA Author
TKAzA - - 3,154 comments

im not sure i haven't tried... thanks for the tip chris ill get it added in :)

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TKAzA Author
TKAzA - - 3,154 comments

Yer you cant mix ammo types eg pistols cant shoot 5.7mm AP

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TKAzA Author
TKAzA - - 3,154 comments

You need to upack them all :)

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Reva - - 5 comments

Where do i have to save the upacked data i've edited to work?

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Celidor - - 40 comments

I am more interested in how to modify the accuracy behaviour of the weapons. But this skips over that. :(

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Dragon90 - - 18 comments

What's the file to edit the Lightened IL?

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Dragon90 - - 18 comments

Nevermind I figured it out. Unique items LTX file... who woulda thought. =P

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decoz123 - - 63 comments

im makin one wear you are a monolithian but its not this kind of mod i mean its not a wepon mod :)

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badblood449 - - 2 comments

How to i Modify the models and textures in the game?
Better yet, how to take the X-Ray engine and just go from there?
Im not asking for an indepth tut here just a pointer

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tjG3ftw436 - - 4 comments

When I changed the pistol's stats in the weapon folder it didn't change anything in the game.

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SpencerKz - - 23 comments

I want to Increase the zoom of the Scope of the Sniper LR300. how can i do it? I see the file in Unique items but theres no scope zoom level modifier. Will i just need to add it?

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Guest - - 699,853 comments

Add the line: scope_zoom_factor = 15 under the fire_dispersion_base line

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Gosgosgosu - - 48 comments

By the way, the semicolons (;) pretty much mean "ignore everything in this line after ;"
so I could write:
rpm = 600;I like pie
and the game would only read:
since it ignores spaces, semicolons and anything to the right of a semicolon.

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ShardtheFox - - 3 comments

Having trouble extracting my databases. I did everything successfully at a friends house, but on my home computer, the extractor fails on the .db4 file, and all onwards. I got it to unpack .db0-3, but i get an "Unsupported File" error for the rest. Im using the steam version of the game, and it's the english version. Not sure what to do.

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ShardtheFox - - 3 comments

Derp, Im a dork. Forgot to check if the drive had space for the extracted files. Whoops

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TheDishonouredWolf - - 2 comments

How can I do this through the Steam version of the game? I can't find the files at all :(

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ice_trey - - 1,109 comments

i wanna have the vog 25 turned into delayed fuse nades, like the f1 handgrenade

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Guest - - 699,853 comments

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Rico_Heart - - 59 comments

I've read that shots after the first shot (automatic fire) do less damage. Where can this be disabled?

(I've already set time_to_aim to zero but that only affects the first shot.)

EDIT: I was told that the first shot (after time_to_aim) is a "super bullet", which can be disabled in the individual weapons' files with use_aim_bullet = false

I did that, now I'll test full auto on some exo-suits and up the damage of all weapons to counter the lack of super bullet.

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