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Post feature Report RSS Editors Choice - Indie of the Year 2023

Welcome to the Editor's Choice awards for the 2023 Indie of the Year Awards, where we show recognition to the indie games from the past year that we've found to be personally deserving of attention.

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Indie of the Year Awards
Editors Choice

Welcome to the Editor's Choice awards for the 2023 Indie of the Year Awards, where we show recognition to the indie games from the past year that we've found to be personally deserving of attention. Ranging from best singleplayer, to best multiplayer and several other specific categories, these games have gone above and beyond to create a unique and engaging experience for players this year.

Best Singleplayer

Amnesia: The Bunker

From: Frictional Games

Anything from Frictional Games is a favorite of ours, going right back to the Penumbra Collection days. They have really perfected atmospheric horror games, which keep you on the edge of the seat, and The Bunker is another great installment in the Amnesia series.

From the Squad to Starship Troopers: Extermination - the Offworld Industries team knows how to much a visceral and fun multiplayer experience. They've had over 10+ years to perfect their craft, and as the hordes of bugs start rolling on in, STE really gets the pulse racing. Great fun to have with mates, binge the movie - then jump in and experience it in first-person mode.

Most Creative

If you had of said a 2D, single player RPG featuring a quirky ensemble of characters deep sea diving would captivate millions of players for 20hours+ I'm not sure anyone would believe you, but that's precisely what the v1.0 release of Dave the Diver has done. This game is made with heart and full of wholesome surprizes, which is precisely what you want from an indie game which doesn't rely on realism or cutting edge graphics to win fans. Worth diving on in ;)

Best Art-Direction

You're probably wondering what the hell are we thinking picking Party Animals for best-art direction, but the reason why, is because party-games is perhaps the most complex genre to create a breakout hit in. You need some serious secret sauce to rise above the competition, and in our eyes, the fun, whimsical styling and animations of all of the puppies, kittens and other fuzzy characters is what gives Party Animals an edge. Everything from the trailers to the promo art is a master class in selling and something we believe a lot of indies could learn from.

Community Award

The OG indie running game was remade, and unlike many remakes which fall short, this hits in all the right places. The music pulses perfectly inline with the gameplay, and the new level builder unlocks infinite possibilities. This is well worth picking up if you played the original, or want to experience a classic runner.

Best VR Game

Dungeons of Eternity

From: Othergate

VR has come a long-long way since the early days, the hardware keeps getting better and the pace of innovation from studios and modders alike is quite astonishing. One of the games which shipped in 2023 we love, is Dungeons of Eternity. Like Blade & Sorcery and other similar titles, there is something ultra satisfying about wielding a sword, throwing axes, stringing a bow and casting magic spells in VR - and this coop/solo play dungeon crawler enables just that.

Best Co-op (Online or Local)

Hard to argue with this one. Lethal Company has really come out of nowwhere, launching during the busiest time of year and leapfrogged over the latest COD and a bunch of other AAA games. What makes Lethal Company so amazing isn't the gameplay (its still in Early Access), but more what you will experience playing this with friends and the proximity audio and other innovation that makes this game a must-play.

Best Gameplay

"Detective stealth" really is the perfect genre to explore deep gameplay, and that's precisely what Shadows of Doubt does beautifully. In 2023 this game became an instant cult classic, with many mysteries to explore and solve to stop a murderer before they strike again. Keeping a low profile and observing the citizens of this sci-fi city is key. If you play your cards right you'll start off feeling like an ordinary detective, and wind up feeling like an extraordinary spy. An experience unlike any other.

Best Narrative

Slay the Princess

From: blacktabbygames

Incredibly well written game, with a moving story, and powerful characters that'll haunt you and challenge your morals. There are so many choices and pathways you must face - and at the end you will have to slay which is easier said then done.

Dive, Build, Survive. Two games featuring deep sea diving on one list, who would have thought! There's just something about the ocean which captures the imagination - and Sunkenland is the latest survival game to grab our attention for long spans of time. Build, craft, trade and fight to survive is all packed together in a satisfying manner, along with jetskis, deep sea caves and plenty more to explore and experience.

For 16 years now since the original release of Shadow of Chernobyl, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and the ambitious goals of GSC Game World has captivated us, alongside millions of players, and thousands of modders. There is so much incredible content for this game such is the fandom it has built, we highly recommend you venture back into the zone to see whats new, and prepare yourself for the hotly anticipated sequel. We can't wait!

Supported by

The 2023 awards are proudly supported by Launch an official mod community for your game with powerful moderation, discovery, events, marketplace and metrics systems, using our cross-platform mod SDKs and plugins for Unity and Unreal Engine. Interested in adding mods to your game and finding out more? Reach out for a demonstration.

Official cross-platform mod support for games

Which games would you have picked? Let us know in the comments and get ready for the next announcement in a few days, the most anticipated Indies and then the big one soon after that, the Top 10 Indies of 2023.

Continue Reading: Best Upcoming | Players Choice

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Cvoxalury - - 1,303 comments

Didn't think I'd see anyone call STALKER 2 an indie game.

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OnyeNacho - - 1,346 comments

Yeah, I am hard-pressed to call Stalker 2 an indie game either. GSC Game World has not been an indie game company since at least the late 2010s. Though whether they are still an A2 (AA) company could still be debatable.

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Cvoxalury - - 1,303 comments

The issue here that I see is there's overlap between defining indie as that is what's self-published, and that is what's smaller budget. GSC may be both developing *and* publishing, but if we follow that logic alone, then all Valve titles must be "indies", clearly they're not.

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OnyeNacho - - 1,346 comments

I agree. The definition of indie has become a trickster overtime.
Though to be fair, Valve's GoldSrc games did turn into indies. Anything circa Source (short very few like Richochet and Deathmatch: Source) would not classify as indie games of their respective times.

Personally, I just think Stalker 2 is a A2 game, unlike their predecessor(s). Not that it disqualifies it from the IOTY. From my understanding of this site, AA games are still eligible for accolades. The only way to cheat is if a A3 (AAA) was winning on the accolades.

Dave the Diver, and before that Rocket League are just two IOTY cheaters thus far.

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OnyeNacho - - 1,346 comments

Because of how much our marketscape has changed (digital stores and the flexibility and ease of releasing your game at a whim, so much that we have an ocean of games now), I usually follow this guide (for sanity's sake):

Any game from a company that lacks corporate backing and funding, functions independently (not a subsidiary of some conglomerate), and either maintains a small team (ones or single digits) or is solo-developed classifies as an A1 (indie) game.

Any game from a company that is independently operated but is either corporately funded (ie. a reliable major publisher that funds them a LOT of money), or already makes multi-millions of revenue (or at least enough) and maintains a medium team (tens or double digits), classifies as a A2 game.

Any game from a company that is either corporately funded (most likely via investors) or very wealthy (probably multi-billions or higher), and maintains large team(s) (In the hundreds or triple digits), and most likely runs departments and divisions in their business, classifies as an A3 game.

Any game from a company that has all the traits of a A3 company except for the fact that it maintains huge team(s) (thousands or quadruple digits), classifies as an A4 game. (Believe or not, AAAA games actually exists now, albeit very rarely.)

This can become more complicated when we consider crowdfunding or marketplace assets, but this guide pretty much summarizes the differences between each game classification.

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OnyeNacho - - 1,346 comments

You do realize Dave the Diver is not actually an indie game, right?

Too many others have made the mistake of judging the book by the cover without doing the prior research on who the game developer and publisher actually are, or what an indie game actually is. It was developed by Mintrocket. Mintrocket is a Nexon subsidiary, indirectly making it a Nexon production. Nexon is a AAA company. Just because something may look like an indie game, does not necessarily mean it is an independent title.

Hate to ruin the parade, but now you all know.

List of other videos on the Game Awards fiasco:

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