Black Forest is a turn-based multiplayer online game about cooperation, betrayl and survival. You and every other player guides a family of peasants living in the Black Forest in medieval Germany. You are isolated from the outside world, and every night wolves, bears and worse come out of the forest. During the day, you need to plant and harvest, and build defenses.

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2 big updates have happened since the last article, with changes to gameplay, visuals, a lot of new players and other important news. Now is the best time ever to join Black Forest !

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It's been a while since Beta 13, the last article here, and we are now on Beta 15. It seems like an eternity because there were so many changes.

The most important is that due to Steam Greenlight, we have seen a lot of new players. Hundreds, in fact. And with them come many, many games played and a lot more experience about the gameplay, what works and what doesn't, and now the tuning is in full swing.

There are also additions to the game, like the new reinforced wall:


Which is an upgrade to the stone wall and dramatically improves defenses. They are very, very expensive to build, but if you manage, you are as safe as you can be.

This has become even more important because health and construction costs have been split, and walls are now generally better defenses than houses. So again, reinforced wall and you are safe:


But we are also expanding everything around the game. We are now on Steam:


and with that come achievements, guides and other things that people expect there, and all players profit from. Needless to say, the game is and always will be playable without Steam, so you can download it here or on the official website or anywhere else you prefer.

We have also added a small service desk, for all the bug reports, feature requests and other problems, and an attached knowledge base will come soon:

Bildschirmfoto 2016 09 16 um 10

All of these changes come on top of ongoing development and bugfixes. With the larger audience, more bugs are found, but also more general problems. For example, this guy here obviously didn't read the manual or even description of the game carefully, or he would not have been as surprised as he is about the fact that yes, it actually is a turn-based game where you wait for the others to move:

But it taught me to be extra specific about managing expectations and to make it as clear as I possibly can just what the game is about and how it works. Because when you work on a game for half a year, some things seem so normal and natural to you that you can't understand how anyone could be surprised by it. But of course, to someone coming in fresh, nothing is self-evident.

And so it goes, development continues on all fronts, the game, the manual, the presentation, everything is being worked on as much as time permits. And a lot of games are running, really a lot, I think the counter is at 50 now.

And many more improvements are on their way. Private games are on the list, as well as overlays or statistics, here is a first teaser screenshot of how that could look (showing relative damage of all buildings on the map at a glance):


So in summary, now is a great time to join the game and see how it gets perfected.

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UnDerBY - - 32 comments


I would like to help you with the project on the subject translated into the Spanish. Free clear perhaps a key game to prove it: P

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