Conquer, rule and manipulate the Roman Empire with the ultimate goal of being declared as the "Imperator" of Rome. Set in a time when the mighty Roman Empire emerged to conquer the known world against powerful enemies, when gladiators fought to a bloody death in the Coliseum; when Spartacus defied the might of the empire; when Hannibal led his invincible army and his war elephants across the Alps to strike fear into the very heart of Rome itself; and when Julius Caesar finally smashed the Barbarian Gauls. This was a time of brutal confrontation between civilisation and barbarism, and of civil war as the ancient world's only superpower turned on itself.

Post news Report RSS Third Christmas Competition Starts Now 2015!

In this competition you have the chance to win: Total War Grand Master Collection / In this contest, there will be only one winner!

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Starts 15.12.15 / Ends 19.12.15

Third game contest you can win are: Total War Grand Master Collection

T W G M C15

Great Package for anyone who loves to play wargames from medieval to the black powder age.

Game Competition (Total War Grand Master Collection)

~ Answer the following questions to win ~

  • Questions 01: What is your favorite weapon created between age 1000-1700?
  • Questions 02: If you should fight in a war year 1200, would you have used armor?
  • Questions 03: What do you think is easier in age 1200? To protect a castle or attack a castle?
  • Questions 04: What is your favorite movie, involving the time from 1000-1800, and why?

Just an example for Questions 04: "The Patriot" or "Kingdom of heaven"

This competition is under the Rule nr. 01 - (Game Competition Info)
One lucky winner will be drawn in this competition.
This competition will expire 19.12.2015 - (The competition is now close)
Those who win will be contacted by those who Sponsor this competition.
The game will be handed on PC through Steam.
To aid delivery through Steam friend one of the Sponsors.
To see Sponsor list refer to main blog here.

Sponsor of this competition is: Kark-Jocke

~ I wish yougood luck andmay the bestwin ~

Post comment Comments
Finrod_(Felagund) - - 200 comments

1 the great sword because you could deal heavy damage to heavy armoured people
2 I would have used light armour because you are faster this way
3 to protect a castle because your archers can hit the enemy more easely then the enemy archers them
4 Kingdom oh Heaven

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French_Fry - - 2,510 comments

1) The Flail because like, it looks badass. And Witch-King's flail was hella awesome.
2) I wouldn't use armor. I like to move fast. Bow wasn't invented in 1000-1700 but the bow is definitely my favorite weapon; using that with light armor just feels like the right choice. Besides, leather = ranger = Aragorn like come on.
3) Attack a castle. Throw the diseased cattles over! :D
4) My favorite movie is Army of Darkness (if it counts lol). It's just flat out hilarious.

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Templarfreak - - 6,723 comments

How could I forget about the diseased cattle? That was actually a very common weapon.

And Army of Darkness is ******* hilarious. XD

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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

"Throw the diseased cattles over!" ??!
More like, wait for it:


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Templarfreak - - 6,723 comments

These are some pretty hard questions as I don't really know a whole lot about those times. I can definitely answer one of them, but that's about it.

3. Attacking a castle is way easier. There was just so many tools back then made to bring down massive forts like a castle and not many answers to them. Catapults, Trebuchets, Ballistas, Battering Rams. A castle's only real protections was burning-hot oil, moats, and skilled archers which all the siege weaponry drastically out-ranged. With enough patience, you wouldn't even have to get too close to the castle. You could easily cut off their supply lines and starve them out while sieging them. There was really no protection from a castle other than from people who didn't have siege weapons.

I'm mostly answering this for fun, as I can't really answer any of the other questions so there's no way I'd win. So don't count me. xD

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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

1. Damascus Swords!
What not to like about it; considered one of the best and toughest swords ever created (the process of making them barely surfaced by a german team in 2006). They are characterized by beautiful distinctive patterns of banding and mottling reminiscent of flowing water. Oh and they can't be shattered XD

2. I would definitely use armor. A mix of chainmail (Mithril?!), shoulder pads, knee pads, and a chest plate would be quite a good combination of resistance to slashing, and avaraig piercing (stabbing and arrows), while still offering reasonable freedom of movement.

3. I'd say attacking a castle. Especially considering how many times cities in the holy land changed hands between crusaders and muslims :P

4. Pirates of the Caribbean! yes that happened at that time XD
a second choice would definitely be Kingdom of Heaven.

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Packy21 - - 1,706 comments

Q1: the musket. I just love how primitive these guns were. They took ages to load, and if you missed your shot, nad luck try again in one minute. But when groupped together they can be very menacing and deadly, and for natives who don't know what they are, also quite scary.
Q2: yes i would wear armor. Another precaution to survive.
Q3: attack a castle, since te defenders constantly have to attack attackers, but most attackers will have to wait till the waves begore them fall, so when my buddies are dead, they will have killed a good number of defenders, making it easier for me to finish the job :p
Q4:Michiel de Ruyter. A lot of you will not know about this one since it is a dutch production, but the guy himself, Michiel de Ruyter, was a hero from the 1600s. He fought in several anglo-dutch wars and also in the franco-dutch war, and his most famous victory was the raid of the medway. Because he was such a great herlo, i think it makes the movie even more special because there aren't a lot of movies about that time in the netherlands.

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Sanguinius - - 5,719 comments

#1: What is your favorite weapon created between age 1000-1700?

Well, when it comes to looks, it's hands down a Katana, to be exact a Katana from the Shintō time period (1596–1780), in my eyes a Katana is a work of art. Now what i would actually use is a Knightly Sword, Type XII with a Type A pummel(also known as a Brazil nut) along with the shield. It's has a perfect length , it's light and can be used quite nimbly to defend yourself in case you lose a shield. When it comes to the shields, i'd prefer the steel version, sure it's heavier then the wooden one but it lasts longer, and the weight itself is actually beneficial in combat when you strike or push an opponent.

#2: If you should fight in a war year 1200, would you have used armor?

Of course i would, only someone with a death wish wouldn't use an armor. What i would prefer is a simple chain mail hauberk with a chain coif and conical nasal helmet. The mail is not as heavy as other armor types, which means you can move faster and it wasn't really impressive when it came to defending against arrows and crossbow bolts but that's what the shield is for. Conical Nasal helmet in my opinion is perfect, it protects your head, and it's conical shape can actually deflect opponents attacks quite easily. Best thing, it doesn't obstruct your vision like the great helm would, even tho great helm would provide more protection to the face.

#3: What do you think is easier in age 1200? To protect a castle or attack a castle?

Well it depends on several factors really. How much rations does the besieged have in store, how long will it last? How many dead bodies are inside because it can spread disease quite easily if not burned(burials didn't help and there's no space for it)? Do you expect any reinforcement to come to your aid? Etc. But from a simple standpoint attacking is easier, just starve them and harass from time to time, it will deplete their will to fight which means they will either surrender or their morale will be so low that they won't fight as hard when you finally decide to attack.

#4: What is your favorite movie, involving the time from 1000-1800, and why?

Ohh man, i've watched a lot of "historic" movies, it's a tough choice. But if a really had to chose one it would be Kingdom of Heaven. First, i'm very much interested in that time period, not just the war aspect but other things too. The way of life, the religion, the kings, all of that. Second, it has a lot of action which i also like. And third, the actors. Orlando Bloom, Eva Green and Alexander Siddig. Orlando Bloom i just love, a brilliant actor. Eva Green is a goddess, a gorgeous woman and a brilliant actor. Alexander Siddig, same a brilliant actor plus i grew up watching Star Trek and i loved him in DS9.

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kuujes - - 1 comments

#1 the musket
#2 I would have used light armour because you are faster this way
#3 I think to attack a castle is easier because you can besiege them
#4 Kingdom of Heaven

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NanoTheBandit - - 1,259 comments

1. Obviously the Zweihander, decent support weapon to have, imagine while youre fighting the enemy and this thing just comes crashing down from behind the enemy and it hits you.

2. I wouldve used chainmail because its lighter than plate and doesnt restrict your movement as much.

3. Attacking, you have so many seige weapons to choose from, but the real offense is the tactics of the commander.

4. A favorite movie would have to be Monty Python and the Holy Grail because tis but a flesh wound.

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LucianoStarKiller - - 2,398 comments

Questions 01: What is your favorite weapon created between age 1000-1700?
Appearance wise, the Katana, that is nos only a beautiful sword but also incredibly deadly and fast in the right hands; but if we are talking about usefulness I'd go with the bow and arrow because contrary to popular belief, archers could fire from anywhere ranging from close quarters to almost 400 meters away and with training you could fire an arrow every second making it the most dangerous weapon of that time

Questions 02: If you should fight in a war year 1200, would you have used armor?
Light armor composed by some chain mail to protect my tórax, some leather padding on essential areas and a sturdy leather helmet to deflect glancing blows which coupled with the archery style makes me fit for both survival
and kicking ***, add a short sword and I'd become a commando unit

Questions 03: What do you think is easier in age 1200? To protect a castle or attack a castle?
Depends on the conditions, defending is easier on the short term but if you can wait, cut enemies supplies and backup is just not happening for your enemies attacking is a lot safer, when your enemies don't even have what to eat for a week the battle would be not easy, but manageable enough, and if you can wait even longer surrender would be their only option.
So long story short, depends on which side is more prepared.

Questions 04: What is your favorite movie, involving the time from 1000-1800, and why?
I would have to go with Kingdom of Heaven or Pirates of the Caribbean, ultimately I choose Pirates of the Caribbean because in the end a movie is for entertainment and who is not entertained by Captain Jack Sparrow? Funny, fast paced, with loveable characters and set on one of the most beautiful places of the world, this movie is amazing.

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ArKanGelMaRk5 - - 103 comments

Question 1: Mace, the perfect weapon against heavy armor and effective against anything.
Question 2: Medium to heavy armor, as much as i want free movement i don't want to get shot with a arrow to the knee.
Question 3: Castle were build for defence they have all the advantages of the terrain and the height advantage, they were built and used for war.
Question 4: Monty Python and the holy grail, need i say more.

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alwini - - 1 comments

1. Basilica, the huge cannon used by Mehmed II during the Fall of Constantinople.
2. I would've used a chain mail covering my torso and leather for other exposed areas. Decent protection without sacrificing too much speed.
3. If no reinforcements were underway to aid the castle, besieging it would be easier, not accounting for the monetary cost. With a direct attack, defenders had the advantage.
4. Arn - The Knight Templar. Because the story shows us a (perhaps fictional) sense of brotherhood, honor and hope in the face of intrigue and power-mongering.

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brunomarchesini98 - - 1 comments

Q1:The Musket. Its very effective in large groups, although its recharge is too slow.
Q2:Yes.I would use chain mail and thick leather, because both are strong and not very heavy, allowing faster movement in the battlefield and not tiring too much.
Q3:Defending a castle. The siege technologies at the time were not that much effective, and its easier to defend while covered in the walls.
Q4: The Patriot. It´s the best movie representing gunpowder warfare that i have ever seen.

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Gerelic - - 1 comments

1: I would have to go with the Claymore, which is the Scottish version of a greatsword. I think it had a cool yet simple look.

2: Yes, a steel chest plate with hard leather covering other vulnerable parts and a frog-mouth helm.

3: It depends on numbers and if you know that you are going to be attacked. If you had enough troops and ample time, then you may be able to prepare. So I think defending would be easier.

4: My favorite 1000-1800 movie would have to be Monty Python and the Holy Grail, because of the knights who say ni.

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Afrowht - - 2 comments

1: It,s hard to decide, but I'll go with the rapier, it's just stylish.

2: Probably gambeson and mail, if I could afford it.

3: If we don't think about secondary factors or deceptions, it's easier always a defense than an attack.

4: Alatriste: Wine, honor and spanish tercios, could you ask for more?

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Guest - - 699,695 comments

Question 1: I would say the English longbow, in the right trained hands the longbow is deadly as displayed in the battle of Agincourt under king Henry 5 of England its the perfection of the deadliest weapon created which is the bow( although swords are cool but bows were much more effective in the way they changed the war strategy through skirmishes and being put on high ground etc.
and of course how the invention of gunpowder ultimately changed warfare in the favor of ranged weapons over hand to hand melee)
P.S. The musket is also good because ranged weapons are great but the early musket had many problems because it got jammed a lot and had like an hour reloading time.

Question 2: I would chose Heavy Armour because it means I am a knight and Makes me look like a walking tank plus more protection against bows and crossbows because no matter how lightly armored you are you can't outrun an arrow.
P.S. my answer here is not based on question 1.:D

Question 3: Defending a Castle is much easier that attacking one and require few men to hold off large armies(but of course without reinforcements and if the attacking army is much larger and the defending forces have no supplies then it is a lost case)

Question 4: All War movies are favorites of mine(Kingdom of Heaven, The Patriot, Robin Hood, the thirteenth warrior, King Arthur and Troy and the last legion though they are not in the time period) but my favorite is definitely Braveheart because I love the story of William Wallace because he is an inspiring person who wanted above all else the independence of his people.

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HeartofIron - - 2 comments

just to clarify I wrote this comment but just before I registered for an account sorry XD

Question 1: I would say the English longbow, in the right trained hands the longbow is deadly as displayed in the battle of Agincourt under king Henry 5 of England its the perfection of the deadliest weapon created which is the bow( although swords are cool but bows were much more effective in the way they changed the war strategy through skirmishes and being put on high ground etc.
and of course how the invention of gunpowder ultimately changed warfare in the favor of ranged weapons over hand to hand melee)
P.S. The musket is also good because ranged weapons are great but the early musket had many problems because it got jammed a lot and had like an hour reloading time.

Question 2: I would chose Heavy Armour because it means I am a knight and Makes me look like a walking tank plus more protection against bows and crossbows because no matter how lightly armored you are you can't outrun an arrow.
P.S. my answer here is not based on question 1.:D

Question 3: Defending a Castle is much easier that attacking one and require few men to hold off large armies(but of course without reinforcements and if the attacking army is much larger and the defending forces have no supplies then it is a lost case)

Question 4: All War movies are favorites of mine(Kingdom of Heaven, The Patriot, Robin Hood, the thirteenth warrior, King Arthur and Troy and the last legion though they are not in the time period) but my favorite is definitely Braveheart because I love the story of William Wallace because he is an inspiring person who wanted above all else the independence of his people.

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ohheyitsjolo - - 58 comments

Question 1: The musket because it is easy to use. Its a range weapon (I prefer range.) I also love how it is more luck based than skill based and the smoke; the smoke is glorious.

Question 2:Yes! I would wear a brigandine because it was one of the best armors at that time.

Question 3: During the 1200s, defending a castle is much easier because I read somewhere that a castle manned by some 20 guys fended it off from an army of 600+ (I forgot the exact number.) But then when gunpowder came, attacking became easier.

Question 4: Kingdom of Heaven because it shows how both christian and muslims do evil things because of their fanaticism plus it's a clash of civilization. Christendom vs the islamic world.

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MIkeYzXx - - 1 comments

1. The mongol composite bow because it had a great range.
2. Light armor because i would be a bowman and a bowman needs mobility.
3. To protect a castle because the deffending archers were more effective than the attacking ones.
4. Robin Hood

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shimazu94 - - 1 comments

Questions 01: What is your favorite weapon created between age 1000-1700?

Katana, because of its beauty.

Questions 02: If you should fight in a war year 1200, would you have used armor?

I would have used armor to protect myself. Wearing proper armor would greatly increase the chance of survival, for example, protecting you from stray arrows.

Questions 03: What do you think is easier in age 1200? To protect a castle or attack a castle?

I would say protecting a castle is easier, that's why people of that time built a lot of castles. Directly attacking a heavily fortified castle would be very costly for the attackers. If the attacker choose to use siege weapons like trebuchets to breach the wall or starve off the people inside the castle, it would take a long time. A longer campaign is expensive for attackers as well because they still need to maintain their supply and pay wages (for mercenaries). It was not until the advent of gun powder that castles started to lose their original purpose, that is a focal point of defence.

Questions 04: What is your favorite movie, involving the time from 1000-1800, and why?

My favorite movie is Braveheart. Although the movie is not very historically accurate, the movie provokes a strong emotional response from me (especially the scene when William Wallace cried "freedom" before dying). Also, the movie by itself is interesting to watch, and the battle scenes are epic. Many people tried to replicate the battle of Sterling in the movie in Medieval 2 Total War. I learned some about Scottish history from this movie, and it aspires to do more research about Scotland at the time.

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IvanhoeSucks - - 5 comments

Questions 01: Bec de Corbin; Because of it's ability to knock down any foe.
Questions 02: Of course!
Questions 03: Defending the castle.
Questions 04: The Seventh Seal.

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MrFuzzyMonkeyXD - - 1 comments

1-The halberd. A mixture between the spear and ax, the halberd demonstrated its effectiveness when, using this primitive Swiss army knife, a small Swiss army managed to stave of an agglomeration of the finest Austrian troops at the battle of Morgarten.
2.European knights, demonstrating the effectiveness of heavy armor against contemporary weaponry during the crusades, made possessing that armor essential, and until the introduction of the musket around the 1500s, would remain essential for medieval warfare. therefore, yes, i would wear armor
3.Until the introduction of "Grand Artillery" into European armies, protecting a castle would remain decidedly easier than attacking one, however, demonstrated by Albrecht Achilles of Brandenburg, once one had the requisite artillery, the walls of a castle where essentially a few hours you managed to spare yourself. Of course the construction of fortresses would continue to progress to meet the demands of its defenders, and could still be effective even in post artillery days, as demonstrated by Thaddeus Koszusczko in the last battle of the Polish nation
4. Bewolf because i like the part where he snaps Grindles arm off with the door

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