Welcome to the Arena, where high-ranking warriors are transformed into spineless mush. Abandoning every ounce of common sense and any trace of doubt, you lunge onto a stage of harrowing landscapes and veiled abysses. Your new environment rejects you with lava pits and atmospheric hazards as legions of foes surround you, testing the gut reaction that brought you here in the first place. Your new mantra: Fight or be finished.


Quake III Arena version 1.32e Patch (release 21.05.2024). This Patch contains one extra pak and default config with improved graphic and internet settings, and also contains OSP mod, so you don't need to install it. To start playing unzip the archive, add the pak0.pk3 from the original Quake III Arena game to the baseq3 folder and launch one of the Quake3e.exe files (I recommend to read the ReadMe file before). Have fun :)

Quake III Arena v1.32e Patch (21.05.2024) - NEW !
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