Fight to survive the horrors from the world beyond, in this Singleplayer and Multiplayer First-person shooter set in the Half-Life universe.

Report RSS Half-Life Beyond - Development Log #6

Details about the project, progress, future plans, and more + Now Recruiting!

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Hello and welcome back to another round of Half-Life Beyond dev logs, today's update packs quite a few interesting additions to the game, so sit back and enjoy the read as we go through some of the most notable of these additions.

Capture the Flag mode is now complete, most of you should be familiar with this mode by now but for those who aren't the objective of this mode is to capture the opposing team's flag and bring it to your base while defending your own flag, team with most captures before time runs out wins, complete with a brand new original map


Also included with this update is your trusty old Gauss Gun, upgraded with the new bells and whistles that come with the new engine like improved lighting and particle effects and impacts



We've also added 4 more player skins for you to choose from, Colette, Recruit, Drill and Tower, so now we have 4 Black Mesa skins and 4 Opposing Force skins, players will be randomly given one of these skins on join depending on the team they are assigned to, but for Co-op and Deathmatch they can choose whichever they like from the options menu

In addition we've also got a brand new, custom map added to the game, say hi to CTF_CanyonBase generously provided by СТАС "kl1menko161" КЛИМЕНКО

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And many more small additions and improvements to our existing systems which you can try for yourself by grabbing the latest update here


We've still got dev positions open so you're more than welcome to make your own content and have it included in our future updates =) check out our open dev positions and see which one (or multiple) of these interest you the most

That about wraps it up for today's update, likewise see you next time =)

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