Nexuiz GPL is a fun and free GPL deathmatch shooter released in 2005. It is a free game: source code is free software and data is free content.

Post news Report RSS Changes #2 and a blast from the past

The dust is going to settle and there are also a few things you probably dont know.

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The controversy about the Illfonic Nexuiz setteled down a bit. Vermeulen appeared recently on the irc and was confronted, with many questions. He tried to answer them as good as possible, also he apologised to the developers, about this behaviour towards them.
To the question, why he decided to chose this way? He said couldnt give the full argumentation without the permission of Illfonic, but to him the future of Alientrap, the future of both Nexuiz and Illfonic's Nexuiz are important to him.

To the question, why did he let them use the same exact title as Nexuiz? Vermeulen didnt gave a clearly statement, he just said: "When the deal happened I was under the impression there would be a suffix and I still would like a suffix, more importantly to me is this game actually happening"

To the question, when he first was contacted by Illfonic? Vermeulen said: "I think I stated that in the news release, a few months ago" He meant the release of 2.5.2, which was in late September 2009.

To the question, why was the url given away to Illfonic? Vermeulen said: "I gave them, I didn't have to. I didn't sell it, I gave it to them to help their project. I still own the domain, I gave it to them to help"

This question is better if you read it from the context, he here is the part of the irc discussion.

CuBe0wL: but didn't you even think for a second, you'd piss off the community that built around your game?
Vermeulen: I knew people would be upset with the change yeah
CuBe0wL: and you ignored it
Vermeulen: I didn't ignore it, I knew this was the path to take to help Alientrap in the future
CuBe0wL: that was the most stupid thing I've heard from you EVER

The last and in my opinion most interresting question, was: "What does "Alientrap" refer to?"
His answer was a kind of suprising:
Vermeulen: I have been using the name Alientrap with every project I've done for the last 10 years
Vermeulen: Including games for marketers I did about a year ago

I hope this answers some questions.

Some time ago Race mod was introduced to Nexuiz, it fast have been quite abused. It was intended be lap racing with its own physics.
Since 2.5 you can also think with portals, so add race with the Port-O-Launch and you got test1 a quite nice map.

After a disscusion on the forum due the addtion of sev's cyberpacour, the mod has been split to race and CTS (complete the stage, which is basicly an obstacle course which you have to complete as fast as possible)
Recently, there has been several psysics cfg's added also one ,which include one CPMA like. FruiteX continued Revants Nexrun mod with some help and since some time Nexrun is stable. He made a bunch of own Nexrun maps especially for Nexuiz, which he presents in the first Nexrun movie.

He also ported a lot of Defrag maps, like ...

The Nexrun mod is playable like Defrag.
There are 2 servers at the moment.
The first can be found at this ip:
It contains Defrag like racing.
The second can be found under this ip:
It contains TDM, DM and CTF, but also can be used for clan matches, with voteable team options.
The weapons in both, where changed to be more quake like.

See you next week, with a real development update.

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Scriabin - - 119 comments

Will there be any royalties from the console title?

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cortez666 Author
cortez666 - - 158 comments

Thats one of the unclear questions. Illfonic says yes, Vermeulen says yes, but they dont go into detail.

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leilei - - 5,721 comments

first the news is about 'oh no they are stealing'. second WE PORTED MAPS LOL. third JOIN OUR SERVR. Is something consistent as news here?

It would be more appropriate if you relayed the official news than to use this profile as a smearing ground for drama no one on moddb really cares about anyway

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Scriabin - - 119 comments

You're more than welcome to ignore the update; no one's forcing you to finish the article. Furthermore, some people do care about the developments between Illfonic and Alientrap, and until this issue is resolved, I doubt any serious progression in the game itself -- so enjoy the fluff.

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cortez666 Author
cortez666 - - 158 comments

With one point i agree with you the first changes news were too biased.
The reason is why i post this, i want to inform the people about the stuff which is going on behind the scene. I assume not everyone here is reading the forums or is in the irc channel, where you can follow the discussion.
The 'offical' news where written by Vermeulen, who basicly acts in the interests of Illfonic. So its also not a neutral post, I dont want to spread hate against someone.
I posted the last Part about the development from Race to Nexrun, because Scriabin asked about it and i thought it could be interresting some other people to. The reason why posted the part, with there also ported maps is because it can attract some q3 defrag player, who can play already know maps and some new maps.
I never said, join our servers! I just said there are servers, because it would be unpolite to say something like go and find them yourself.

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Tei - - 418 comments


I think you are doing a good job posting news about Nexuiz. But I would love to see a more neutral point of view. This is the Nexuiz moddb entry, not your personal blog, where you can ventile your opinions.

I also posted news about the new Nexuiz, I am editor here too, but for some reason shows as "archived". Anyone know the cause of this?

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cm_kruger - - 24 comments

Well ultimately it will probably be for the best. Development of the computer version isn't stopping, and a for-pay console version means that they'll be able to make money off of it now.

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cortez666 Author
cortez666 - - 158 comments

hopefully you dont mix it up. The Console Version has NOTHING to do with the PC version. The developers are also different.

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