Myth II is a real time tactical game based on squad and unit management rather than resource gathering and expansion. Thanks to a realistic physics engine and meticulous unit balance, gameplay is highly varied and flexible. Your success or failure will be dictated by clear planning, an understanding of the terrain and an ability to mobilise your troops effectively; brute force alone will likely get you killed.


Return to Antagarich in search of an adventure in a Might & Magic universe you've never seen before. A completely new look at all the beloved "Heroes" and RPG "Might and Magic" in the genre of "real time strategy". The player will have 4 difficult levels of a single player campaign, in which the player will be able to play as: Knights of Erathia, Monsters of Nigon, Sorcereres of Bracada and Necromancers of Deia.

Might & Magic - Myth
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