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Post news Report RSS MIR news #2

Porting of resources from the old MIR has been completed. I had to manually assign thousands of materials, and convert all the models into the .blend format, because they can then be easily pulled out from there and converted to any other format (for example, .csm, which XashNT works with).

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Interim results for today:
1. Thanks to the efforts of Nemyax, we have a second editor - Blender. The first one is not yet available, it will be written by Uncle Mike (developer of Xash3D/XT/NT)

scene1 0001

2. Porting of resources from the old MIR has been completed. I had to manually assign thousands of materials, and convert all the models into the .blend format, because they can then be easily pulled out from there and converted to any other format (for example, .csm, which XashNT works with).

scene1 0003

3. Now you can start porting levels “with a clear conscience”, because previously this was technically impossible, from the point of view of the availability of source formats for editing (those who compiled mdl will understand). Now exporting all geometry is done in few clicks - export models, and export .map

trees test 0030

4. XashNT currently has high performance and stability, providing a wide range of lighting options. Ahead is work on the logic: scripts and entities, so that everything runs and runs as before, and better.


5. Acid elements in the screenshot from blender - a representation of models with skin. Of course, there is no ideal WYSWYG, but at least there is a preview of the lighting. Working with fields is not much different from what was seen in J.A.C.K.: working with geometry is different. Now this is a meshwork, brushes are used only for technical purposes: triggers, skyboxes, portals. The collision is also mesh.

trainbox 0015

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