While you were battling the evil forces of D'Sparil, the other Serpent Riders were busy sowing the seeds of destruction in other dimensions. One such dimension is the decaying world where Hexen takes place. A world littered with the mangled corpses of nonbelievers and inhabited by the undead followers that executed them. Only three humans &endash; a warrior, a mage and a cleric &endash; have escaped the leaders' vicious spell. Now these brave souls have sworn to crush the evil regime that threatens to destroy the world forever. Separated upon entering the mystical portal, the three are forced to attempt on their own what they had hoped to do together: find Korax's stronghold, destroy him and restore order in the physical world.


Cult of Despair is a campaign exclusive for Wrath of Cronos and designed for GZDoom. It uses a lot of scripts for the spawn system of enemies and items to make the experience more balanced without the randomizer factor. I have added new decorations for ambience purposes such as more tree variants, corpses or custom textures. It brings many new monsters and items too! Cult of Despair uses Wrath of Cronos V3A as the main mod to work (you need load it first before Cult of Despair!).

Cult of Despair
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Guest - - 699,853 comments

This is amazing! Keep up the great work! :D

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Ragnok_The_Eternal - - 1 comments

Absolutely stellar level design, some of the best music and atmosphere I've seen from a wad. The bosses are an absolute blast to play through and im shocked it only has a 173 downloads as of writing this. The RPG elements fit in nicely and the semi "open world" is never a slog to run through as there is something to do at every corner. This is going up there with bangers like Deathwish. Highly recommend.

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Onox792 Author
Onox792 - - 148 comments

The campaign has been updated to version 1.4A! (since 1.4 was a private beta shared with close people I knew for feedback and possible issues)

The entire changelog is located in the credits file.
There are new levels, many old areas have a better quality design and a lot of fixed bugs. You will notice that the whole experience is more polished now. Have fun and thanks for playing!

Remember: You need to load woc_v3a.pk3 first to play it.

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ElPoder36 - - 113 comments

Genio! espectacular addon, espero sigas con este gran trabaja, que quizá un día, sea multiplayer para destruir en mazmorras al estilo diablo2! te felicito.

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Onox792 Author
Onox792 - - 148 comments

Muchas gracias!
Estoy trabajando ya en una versión 1.4B con algunas cosas muy menores arregladas y más balanceadas, planeo meterle coop con al menos un jugador más, pero no se que tal responde WoC con hexen en multiplayer.

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ElPoder36 - - 113 comments

Detecté un inconveniente que quizás mejores luego:
Muchos enemigos tienen damagefactor 0.5, esto evita que la maldicion "chaos" funcione porque chaos hace trueDamage 1, y si tienen reduccion de daño evitan el daño para "provocar" a otros, yo lo arreglé con damagefactor "normal", 0.5 seguido de damagefactor "truedamage", 1.0

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Onox792 Author
Onox792 - - 148 comments

Tomo nota para corregirlo en el próximo parche, algunos enemigos (sobretodo cultistas y arqueros) les puse ese 0,5 para simular que llevaban armadura, si les aumentaba la vida el jugador conseguia más experiencia cosa que quería evitar.

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ElPoder36 - - 113 comments

Si, más vale, queda re bien y se evita tanta suba de lvl. Con eso que te pasé se arregla y queda bárbaro. Un abrazo y voy avanzando la campaña!

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Guest - - 699,853 comments

How do i load the mod? I read that i need to load woc first but how do i load 2 mods at the same time

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Muleke_Trairao - - 258 comments

You can use a mod loader/manager like ZDL or use GZDoom's configuration file (gzdoom.ini) to define which files need to be loaded for each IWAD and in what order.

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Guest - - 699,853 comments

Is the game still not finished? Cant wait for an update

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vykojust - - 9 comments

This is easily the best ******* mod for Hexen ever created and nothing can compare to it. We just finished this beta version with my friend in coop and when i realised it isnt comlpeted, I was literally crying and was utterely sad about it. The best thing and the most unbelievable thing on this is - its OPENWORLD! Yes my lads, you can play OPENWORLD HEXEN!!! There are lots of mini dungeons to explore, which arent even important to visit. You can just explore these gigantic maps and you never know what you can find. Its literally pure RPG experience like you played Skyrim or Gothic. There are quests, quest items, merchants, plenty of new enemies and every map is unique and different from others. You are walking through different biomes. Its really big shame that this isnt completed. Onox, are you still working on it?

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