As Dr. Gordon Freeman, you were last seen exiting City 17 with Alyx Vance as the Citadel erupted amidst a storm of unknown proportions. In Episode Two, you must battle and race against Combine forces as you traverse the White Forest to deliver a crucial information packet stolen from the Citadel to an enclave of fellow resistance scientists.


This is a port of the Mmod weapons to use in Vanilla HL2 and episodes (mods). Obviously the weapons and animation are NOT mine. I ported them over and added HD textures which are NOT mine either, unfortunately I don't remember who's they are. I know they came from Moddb. If anybody knows, let me know so I can credit the rights person.

Mmod weapons for Vanilla Updated 12/10/21
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EthanJW - - 25 comments

I am not sure if you still available to reach at current time, but can you tell me where did you get the Combine logo on the AR2 in the image? Also will it be possible to port the enhanced Combine glowing eyes texture of MMod to use in Vanilla like you did with the weapons (if so would really appreciate it and provide credits for sure)? Oh and one more thing if you please: It seems you forgot to add the sound of MMOD SMG grenade launcher, AR2 alt-fire and explosions for Vanilla. Let me know if it's possible to add them (not sure if the same can be said for the weapons muzzle-flash). The reason I am asking about all of this is because I want to use said features for a complete addition that improves the Vanilla (that I can show if you curious).
Thanks for your attention!

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

The combine logo, not sure. It's been a while. May be in this texture pack.

Combine eyes would be sweet. I'm more of a texture guy. That's more of an effect.
You can find a lot of nice texture on my page.

Test this in vanilla. Grenade launcher and AR2 alt-fire should be better now. The explosions I can work on. Play test this and tell me if it sounds right.

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EthanJW - - 25 comments

hmmm looks like it failed for some reasons. Not sure if I did something wrong but it's still the vanilla sound effect for grenade launcher and AR2 ball launcher, only the Magnum sound changed (which sounds different from MMod's one).

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

Magnum is fixable. Main problem is MMOD uses different names for what the weapon expects to use. Vanilla looks for pistol_fire while MMOD uses player_pistol_fire1 for example. Sometimes puting the sound in a totaly different place. Let me see what I can do.

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EthanJW - - 25 comments

Understood! I will wait until further notice, while looking for the dynamic glowing eye effect that goes off when dead for both combine soldiers and hunters. And like I said you can add me on discord for faster results (images, settings, live feds) if you wish.

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EthanJW - - 25 comments

Yeah strange that even in your Weapons mmod v2.7 the sound for both AR2 and SMG launcher were there yet didn't work in the game.
BTW while I was searching for glowing eye effect, I found a mod called zDak Total Textures Pack v4.3 which include some features such as the dynamic eye for the combine according to the page. Seems heavy which takes long time to download.

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

I'm already a part of another discord working on a HL2 project. So I don't want to spread myself thin. I have plenty of textures to do but you are welcome to my different packs. Just give credit if you use them in a mod. I'll try to help where I can.

Like I said MMOD puts the sounds in odd places. Will take some trial and error. Try this download. It has another MMOD weapons pack of a higher resolution. I can't post it but you can give it a wirl.
I played around with the sounds again. See if it's better. Hard to tell. They are so close to vanilla.

Yeah my zDak pack has eyes that go dark after death but they don't shine like in MMOD. The pack is a over 14g unpacked.

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EthanJW - - 25 comments

It's fine you did what you can do and I am thankful for that amigo. Just wanna know where I can find the dynaimc combine eye effect in the zDak pack, cuz I can't find its name in the materials unless if mistake it.

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

In the folder "combine_soldiers" are the VTF and VMT files. They work together to make the effect.

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EthanJW - - 25 comments

The zDak pack has some issues with the texture; many textures are missing, but that's fine for me since my mod is already retextured well. The main thing is whenever I try to extract the "combine_soldier" folder from the VPK, it fails to load it and gets the folder empty. What can I do?

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

Should not be any textures missing. Pictures or a map name would work so I can look into it.

Using GCFScape to extract,file open, select the one file in the VPK's that says _dir in it. That should open the menu system.

Unless the VPK's a corrupted. It's happened before.

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EthanJW - - 25 comments

I think so. I am using GCFScape but when I want to extract the folder, it give me error and then gave me the folder empty like this: Error writing C:\Users\dell\AppData\Local\Temp\combine_soldier\combinesoldiersheet_shotgun_emis.vtf (Error (0x00000002): Error opening file. The system cannot find the file specified.)
Error writing C:\Users\dell\AppData\Local\Temp\combine_soldier\combinesoldiersheet_shotgun_normal.vtf (Error (0x00000002): Error opening file. The system cannot find the file specified.)

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

Since the last posting, nobody in the group has mentioned any issues.

Anyway, here is the file seperate.

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

I downloaded the pack. Works fine on my end. Extracted the combine_solder file with no issues. The zDak texture pack should have a total of 80 VPK files. Maybe some are missing somehow on your HD.

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EthanJW - - 25 comments

Thanks for the separated file, lad! I think got almost everything required since the mod I am using already enhance other textures and sounds + it would cause errors since if combined since it will need to override system which I lately fond out why the MMod SMG launcher sound doesn't work for me (at least the explosion sound worked tho) which I can fix if it has something to do with the scripts that you might help with.

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EthanJW - - 25 comments

Speaking of texturing; I was curious how you do such effects like changing the color, etc. Cuz I wanna see if I can change the Combine arm pad and eyes colors. I understand this sh*t might be hard but I am sure it's interesting to pull off. My favorite Combine unit so far is the Combine Elite. I really love the MMod glowing effect for the Combine Elite because it makes them look more menacing as they should be.

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

I use paint shop pro. It's a VERY old program but it get's the job done so any newer art program should get you there. Lots of trial and error and SAVE, SAVE and SAVE. After every change make a save. combinesoldiersheet_emis is the eyes. Start there as this is quite easy. Using VTFedit export the art from the file. In THIS case you can export as a JPG. load into an art program and change the color.

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EthanJW - - 25 comments

The features are impressive so far thanks to you. There only few effects left to be added which are the MMod weapons muzzle-flash and the AR2 rounds go yellow when firing. As for me I am trying to change the color of of the combine arm pads and eyes model but I am not sure what I am doing lol.

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

To start with the pads you could use the selection tool in an art program to select just the pad itself. Then using the clone tool, clone a texture over the existing texture of the pad.

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EthanJW - - 25 comments

Hey! It's been a while. How is it going so far?
Say have you seen that mod?

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

Good. I've been playing around with Cinematic mod (Gasp!!!). Bought a new rig. Smooth...


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EthanJW - - 25 comments

I am fine. Yeah cinematic mod isn't that good. It feels like call of duty rather than half-life 2 due the graphics and weapons (not mention characters).
As for the Mod, other than the AR2, Pistol, and Shotgun I am not a hug fan. What about you?
BTW You think you can make MMod for this one?

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

I play CM with a lot of skins and adjustments. I've posted some of my mods for it. I don't use it's guns at all.

I don't understand, this file is zipped.

I don't experience those issues. I just redownloaded it and tried it in vanilla HL2, worked fine. Try running it in Vanilla with nothing else.

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EthanJW - - 25 comments

It appears to be an issue with the mod I am playing itself for some reasons (which I will see if it can be tackled).
Any mods for lighting effects and Combine models enhanced you wanna recommend so far?

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

What mod?

Lighting, spark effect and combine (metrocop) I'm playing with.

How's your discord project going?

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EthanJW - - 25 comments

It's a mod for HL2 that supposedly improve the combat performance by tweaking the AI and weapons. It's functional, but got some unfixed bugs and unfinished updates required, which would explain why it doesn't do that well with other mods implemented with. And since the publisher kinda abounded it, it will take long to make major changes especially that I am not good at C++ that much.

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EthanJW - - 25 comments

the link you sent doesn't have access.

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

Should work now. Never used Google drive.

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EthanJW - - 25 comments

Thanks for the spark effects.
So far I don't need texture model 4k enhancements for most NPCs except for Combine Elite, Citizens and Rebels. And the glowing effect for Combine troops.
btw I tried the MMOD project weapons mod on vanilla HL2 and the AR2 still flashes the screen and leave for some reasons. If it isn't possible to fix such issues, I can simply stick with your MMOD weapons v1.0, just make the AR2 rounds red color turns yellow when firing the rifle. And maybe if possible enhance the energy ball particle effects to be more like the old MMOD 1.2 balls where they had that big particle explosion you know?

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MattSucks2205 - - 2 comments

Hey! Just wanted to ask if this just adds the models and animations or does it have the sounds and the custom crosshair :)

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

Sounds yes. Cross hairs, no although there is a mod out there for that.

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MattSucks2205 - - 2 comments

Oh,is there a version or something i can do to use the vanilla sounds?

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

No. You could remove/replace them but it gets tricky. MMOD looks to different named sound files.

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Ghoul94 - - 56 comments

Damn, it would be actually really damn good if this could be ported to Entropy Zero 1. Cuz gunplay in it is good as is, without the MMod itself. But the animations are soooo ******* good, that it would make it great as is, without jumping hoops with installing MMod on top of it.

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

Entropy Zero doesn't let you run a custom folder?

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Ghoul94 - - 56 comments

I tried to put it in custom, but the models and animations are still the same

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

So you can't use any custom stuff in it?

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Ghoul94 - - 56 comments

I tried different mods (even the addons from mod page on moddb) and they don't work. Maybe I am doing something wrond, but I'm pretty sure that it should work.

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

If you can't run any custom content in Entropy Zero, then the gameinfo.txt is stopping it.

There should be a line in the file that reads:

game+mod "|gameinfo_path|custom/*"


game+mod hl2/custom/*

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Ghoul94 - - 56 comments

Yeah, you're right!
I added "game+mod EntropyZero/custom/*"
and now it all works!
Thank you very much!

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

You are welcome.

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mrwallace888 - - 7 comments

The sounds aren't playing correctly. For example the pistol has its own sounds but it's also playing the vanilla pistol sounds OVER TOP of the modded ones (that sequential "tick-tick-tick" sound they used lol). The revolver's reload animation sounds also don't play correctly. The open cylinder sound is the spin sound and the eject sound is the close cylinder sound.

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

May be other items in your custom that are interfering with it or if you are running a mod that has it's own settings.

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mrwallace888 - - 7 comments

This is the only mod I have installed after a clean install of HL2.

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mrwallace888 - - 7 comments
Here's some footage. Notice how with the pistol you can hear the vanilla reload underneath. I actually tried extracting the .vpk and putting the contents into a mod folder in "custom" so I could replace the pistol reload sounds with quieter ones, and you can still hear the vanilla reload sound underneath a lot clearer. But regardless the sounds are there no matter how I install it. Same with the revolver, the sounds are incorrect.

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

I just downloaded it from here. Seems to work fine. Not sure why your having an issue.

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mrwallace888 - - 7 comments

I still have this issue months later and I've no idea why it only seems to affect me. If it's a fresh game with a new config and everything, the issue persists. Console isn't very helpful either.

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

Here try this.

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GreggBravo - - 23 comments

I know I see this almost two years after it was posted, but would it be possible to see these weapons on the HL Alyx HEV suit arms models?

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zDaken50 AuthorOnline
zDaken50 - - 41 comments

If it exists it's probably here:

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GreggBravo - - 23 comments

I already saw it and there is not, there are only textures, I was referring to see this port of weapons along with the hl2 project arm models for vanilla.
Sure, if it's possible and it's not a problem

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