G is an arcade/puzzle game for the iPhone and iTouch platforms. The game is set on a futuristic Earth where the player builds and launches sounding rockets to explore increasingly complex fields where obstacles, power-ups and gravitational bodies interact with the rocket's path. Beautiful, artistic scenery, atmospheric music and sylized graphics lend an air of mystery to the game, and unique gaming features make G much more interactive than other gravity simulators.

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So I know it's been most of a month since I wrote anything but it's been a busy month.

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So I know it's been most of a month since I wrote anything but it's been a busy month.

G has been blessed with a very positive reception by the various media outfits who have reviewed it, and that's been in spite of some bugs that were found after we launched the thing. In all honesty we really want to see accurate feedback and constructive criticism - which we've had and are very thankful. But with that said - people love it! And we couldn't be happier.

Just yesterday, we were finally able to launch an update to the game that fixes those bugs - it took a long month of trial and error to get it live and it was excruciatingly slow at times, but now it's out there and we're now ready to upload a second update as well that adds several new features and upgrades.

On a seperate note, we will be on Startupslive.tv tomorrow at 8:00am PST tomorrow morning. (May 28). Our interview tomorrow is with Dennis (or one of his minions). Swing on by and catch the live show if you can.

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