Let the Obsession begin. Again. This time, the entire forces of the netherworld have overrun Earth. To save her, you must descend into the stygian depths of Hell itself! Battle mightier, nastier, deadlier demons and monsters. Use more powerful weapons. Survive more mind-blowing explosions and more of the bloodiest, fiercest, most awesome blastfest ever! Play DOOM II solo, with two people over a modem, or with up to four players over a LAN (supporting IPX protocol). No matter which way you choose, get ready for adrenaline-pumping, action-packed excitement that's sure to give your heart a real workout.


Fill your adrenaline meter up and mow down everything in your path in Slow Motion with Bullet Time X.

Bullet Time X [1.3.1]
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 60)
Guest - - 699,592 comments

Which key should I press? It's not activated

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Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

Press 'B' to activate it, or you can also change it in settings > controls menu

Reply Good karma+2 votes
ANDROIDFERRET - - 1,201 comments

Is there any way to make it less demanding ? When used with a gore mod or bigger mods in general it gets extremely laggy

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Azron-stoma - - 134 comments

yeah that was very surprising to me, I was using it on Extermination Day and it worked great until map 9, very strange since normally Bullet Time mods IMPROVE framerates since it gives the computer more time to work, but right off the bat it was like a slideshow from that point on.

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Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

Hi! Sorry for the late response, I spotted a couple of major perfomance issues that will be fixed in the next update!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Azron-stoma - - 134 comments

Tried it out a few times along with a whole bunch of other Powerup mods that tend to help framerate during bullet time. But it seems there might just be an issue with that particular map or something (EDAY09 Biolabs) that causes massive framerate drops whenever I use bullet time, it seems unrelated to the number of enemies, it might be due to something else entirely unique (hopefully) to that map.

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ANDROIDFERRET - - 1,201 comments

You are an artist!!! This mod is one of my all time favourites. And I use it in literally every modcombo. Thanks so much!

Is there any chance that you could implement more shader/sound effects ?

Maybe the CYBERPUNK Sandavistan?

That would be absolutely insane.

But even if not. Keep up the amazing work.

Btw. Since you are such a magician when it comes to these kinda mods, do you think a universal door kicking mod would be possible?

Also. The original of your mod comes from Generic Name Guy ? Or who made the awesome slow motion mod ?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

thank you!! if you have a clip where I can see that effect I'll see if I can apply it, shaders are usually kinda painful lol.

the universal kicking mod, well im not sure, in doom most doors are vertical, unless you are talking about a specific map or mod?

and for the origin of the mod, yeah I started it, I think there is a video in my youtube channel where it was still in development. generic_name_guy helped me with a shader issue after the first release

Reply Good karma+1 vote
generic_name_guy - - 66 comments

This is great! Though, unfortunately, the shaders don't work on Delta Touch

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Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

Thanks for the comment! I'll see if I find a way to make them work in a future update

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generic_name_guy - - 66 comments

It seems that adding "float" before every line that doesn't want to work fixes the issue, that might help in fixing it

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generic_name_guy - - 66 comments

Good news, i got it working! Feel free to use it in the next update, if you wish

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

You are a genius, thank you very much! I will add it in the next update and also mention you in the credits!

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

New Update!
- Fixed Static Thinker replacement caused compatibility issues with multiple mods
- Removed Health Bonus replacement (broke other mods health bonuses and it only worked on vanilla, not worth having it)
- Fix issue with Voodoo Dolls caused Player to be slowed down multiple times, making it unable to move

Reply Good karma+3 votes
BulletTimeTails - - 15 comments

This is a great update! However, the weapon drops seem to be in normal speed instead of slow motion, this wasn't an issue in the previous version. It would be appreciated if you could address this, if it's not intentional.

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Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

Fixed in the new update (1.1.1)!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
DickKickem44 - - 12 comments

this mod is awesome and well polished, one thing though. Don't you think this is a bit *too* slow? maybe add an option for that if it's possible. Thanks anyways !

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generic_name_guy - - 66 comments

You can easily change it in the options, the default is 4.0

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DickKickem44 - - 12 comments

ohh I see, I feel dumb now :/

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patrickthelegendary - - 43 comments

Makes you feel Like you got the Power of the matrix [ well the bullet time part feels like it ]

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BulletTimeTails - - 15 comments

Hi there, I'm working on a mod that brings Max Payne to Doom and I wanted Bullet Time to be added in it, can I have your permission to have your mod built in mine as long as I give you credit for the Bullet Time mod?

All of the assets so far I'm using are ripped from Max Payne 1 and the animations are all original Creations I've made. Thank you if you respond to this and it is much appreciated if you give me the permission.

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Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

Sure, no problem! Thanks for asking!
I'd suggest that you wait a couple of days since I will be releasing a new update with some new features and perfomance improvements so that you don't work with the old version of bullet time

Reply Good karma+3 votes
BulletTimeTails - - 15 comments

Thank you very much! I'll be waiting for the new version until I make it built in, I'm adding your name in the credits when my mod is finished. Until then, I'll be waiting for a new version to come out.

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Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

New Update! This one has new features and fixes!

* Fixed major perfomance issues
* Fixed shaders on delta touch (fix by generic_name_guy, thx!)
* Fixed XYZ player movement issue for mods that applied some kind of force when moving (ex: jp-mobility, thx Spaceman333 for reporting!)

* Reorganized options menu

* Added unlimited adrenaline / bullet time option
* Added adrenaline regeneration option
* Added adrenaline rewards multipliers option (receive more / less adrenaline when killing)

* Added weapon speed and player movement time multipliers options (monsters can move slower and we can move / shoot faster!)
* Added mid-air time multipliers options (when jumping, time can now go even slower)
* Added berserk time multipliers options (when on berserk, player movement and weapon speed gets increased, great for rampages!)

* Added adrenaline counter position and scaling options

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Reactorcore - - 646 comments

New update is SUPER GOOD

The new options, mid-air slower slomo, superior performance and UI resizing made me very happy as I played with this mod today.

Only thing I could think of adding is to be able to select the screen overlay color (default white) to other colors of the rainbow too.

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Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

I'll keep in the mind for 1.2, thanks for the suggestion!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Vertelame - - 442 comments

wow, lovely >w< i been waiting to have a slowmo mod with a timer XD going to test it with my mildly edited bd 21 and map of chaos XD

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Guest - - 699,592 comments

Hi Xortts! I'm one of your fans! Would you be able to create a separate file simply for midair bullet time? More of like a universal add-on which would also be compatible with lower GZdoom versions? Love your work!!!

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Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

Hey, thanks! Unfortunately I can't separate the file since midair on its own uses the main handler which is mostly nearly all the addon!
For lower gzdoom versions i recommend trying 'Slomo Bullettime Ultimate' which I think doesn't use zscript and is compatible with lower versions

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Vyticoz - - 236 comments

Having these two lines in the SNDINFO file is not only unnecessary but also screws with the sound design of some mods that have their own custom falling sounds. Would be best to remove them in the next update.

"$playersound player male *grunt dsoof
$playersounddup player male *land *grunt"

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

Removed in 1.1.1, thanks for the suggestion!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

New quick update!

* Fix actors with -1 tic would not be slowed down (thx BulletTimeTails and Nash for reporting!)
* Fix infinite white screen filter (thx generic_name_guy and TheoDrHashiriya for finding the issue!)
* Removed landing hardcoded sound from SNDINFO because of incompatibility with other mods (thx Vyticoz!)
* Added powerup slowdown for monsters / actors, should help some mods like Embers of Armaggedon that uses powerups for monster timers (thx mamaluigisbagel!)

Reply Good karma+5 votes
Guest - - 699,592 comments

The mod doesn't work, it says "5 error while parsing DECORATE scripts" Is there a solution?

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Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

What version of GZDoom are you using? Are you using any other mods?

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 699,592 comments

It’s a great mod, especially for those who aren’t as quick as they used to be, but one small thing I wanted to know if there’s a way to disable the meter icon since there doesn’t seem to be an clear option for that than position and scale in the HUD selection? Mostly to keep my HUD clean and diegetic when playing more tactical mods like HDest.

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Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

Hey thanks! At the moment the only way to hide the meter icon is to set 'infite bullet time' option to 'yes'.
Probably in the next update I'll add the option to hide it from the hud but keep the counter running in the background

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Guest - - 699,592 comments

Zandronum 3.0 3.1 Error Script Bullet Time X Who? Fix Error no Zandronum
on hello Bullet Time X Error Script 1 ?????

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Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

Hi! Zandronum doesn't support this mod since it uses an old version of GZDoom. And this mod requires GZDoom 4.3.3 onwards. I believe zandronum's is 2.3.x or something like that

Reply Good karma+2 votes
tintillum - - 17 comments

I love this mod so far. Playing with Project Brutality with the dual smg's is amazing. It reduces the natural recoil you would otherwise have. Also dashing and landing accurate shots mid dash is just awesome. The only thing I noticed that was a bit weird was when I shot the flak shells from the auto shotgun the shrapnel doesn't have the same physics outside of bullet time. The shrapnel doesn't bounce, it just hits a wall and falls down. The only way around this is to undo bullet time just before it hits a surface. Which is okay, but it would be even better if it still bounced, because then you can plan the ricocheting with the bullet time even better.

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Guest - - 699,592 comments

I have tried it in project brutality and brutal doom and whenever I kick and activate or deactivate the slow motion mode it sends me to the console with errors

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Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

Fixed in 1.2.0!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
JJ.BARNY - - 1 comments

so cool with Brutal Doom or Eoa

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Guest - - 699,592 comments

B is my Forward button, he, he...

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Hugwo - - 1 comments

Everything cool, but I had a glitch when I tried to use the bullet time with Project Brutality, I used it many times in one random use, it "crashed" and the console displayed with this message: "VM execution aborted: tried to read from address zero"
Any solution? pls

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Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

Fixed in new update 1.2!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

New update!

* Fix issue where NULL weapon states caused VM crash. This issue was present mostly on Project Brutality when reloading + kicking + turning off bullet time and also when crouching + sliding + bullet time.
* Allowed decimals in adrenaline kill and damage rewards in options menu to reduce them even further if needed.
* Added player model slow down (only visible in third person), this one can be seen from mods that rely on thirdpersons like Brutal Doom when doing Glory kills. Can be disabled from options menu and uses Player Weapon Multiplier as the slow down value.
* Added feature to whitelist monsters from bullet time (this one is only for modding only).

Reply Good karma+2 votes
mg36948563 - - 1 comments


Script error, "bullet-time-x.pk3:gldefs.txt" line 1:
Expected '{' but got identifier 'Scene' instead.

anyone knows what to do with this?

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Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

hi! what version of gzdoom are you using?
also, are you playing from pc or mobile?

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zrq0058 - - 49 comments

zandronum ???

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Xortts Author
Xortts - - 30 comments

hi! zandronum is not supported since it uses and old version of gzdoom which doesn't have zscript, sorry!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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