Age of Mythology is the third game from the Age of Empires Series, taking place in Mythical Times far before the rise of modern civilization. Players choose from 3 cultures (Norse, Greek, Egyptian), and then shape the development by worshiping gods; different gods reward the player with different mythological beasts and powers. Multiplayer is available through a matchmaking system and there is a story driven single player campaign as well.

Post news Report RSS The Roman Legionarius released on ModDB!

The famous modification that swept Age of Mythology fans of the HeavenGames community has reached the doorstep of ModDB! The mod was originally released on September 1, 2007 and remains as the pinnacle of single-unit addons to Age of Mythology.

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The Roman Legionary is a brand new unit featuring brilliant, brand new models, exquisite textures hailed for their detail, impressive animations based on historical accounts, and statistics that mimic those of traditional Roman soldiers. The Legionary will be built at Academies for 60 food, 10 wood for the shield and 20 gold for the armor, based on their historical monthly pay*, and when in box formation, they will form the famous "testudo" formation, or the "turtle" formation.

The project idea was originally conceived by team leader and texture artist The Purple People Eater. Within a few days of the idea, the main body and shield textures were created, which are the only aspects of the mod that remained unchanged throughout progress.

Progress slowed for a while as AoM events rattled design teams across the board and halted progress on near every PDS project. Modeler and animator Sir Dundo, a volunteer for LTA at the time, joined PDS to aid the Legionary's progress. He took the liberty of reviving the project's progress in February of 2007 with his legionary model. He soon added Player Compatible textures and completed all the animations.

Its true, this project has been in production for a full year** (est. August 24, 2006), but our work has paid off to bring you the most gorgeous mod that Age of Mythology has ever seen, and definitely the bet legionnaire unit yet to be modded for the game.


  • Brand new historically accurate right down to the weaponry models and animations
  • Detailed, high-resolution textures
  • Unique historically accurate attack animations
  • Relatively low-polygon model for an enourmous amount of simultaneous units
  • Roman pilum, the designated weaponry of the Legionaries of Rome
  • The well anticipated testudo formation


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