In this action adventure tale of historical fiction, players take on the role of Morgan Black and his family, struggling against the hostile wilderness and a mysterious cult that's crept in from Europe. In a series of 24 scenarios divided into three acts, Morgan Black and his descendants help the Aztecs resist conquest by Spanish conquistadors, pit the French against the British in the French and Indian War and help Simon Bolivar lead revolutions in South America.


Updated Version of N3O Patch 1.3z3Ra Added Pack. Includes New Natives to ally with on special custom maps. Matches work online if all players have it installed! Also includes New Revolutions and Custom AI.

N3O Patch 1.4a Added Pack (July 23)
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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

First off I'd like to say that N3O Patch has influenced DE greatly and significantly. It has helped the Devs see the development stages that they ought to take, especially in regards to Better AI. So then I will post some things here about DE.


What has been fixed in DE? And what should be fixed in the future of DE Development?

First to say, DE offers a lot of good changes and updates to an already great game. I will say the first improvement I think is great is the option to have higher starting resources, and also to have this combined with treaty for short games. Another noticeable addition is the greatly improved AI. In the original game, the AI built only 1 Barracks, 1 Stable, 1 Artillery Foundery, 1 Saloon, and artillery and mercenaries. DE allows the AI to build complex militaries and better bases, so I think this is great. New changes to game balance are great with changes to Cuirassiers and Oprichniks and buffs to weak units like Strelets. I like also the new Native Settlements, with 5 African Natives and 8 European Royal Houses. In comparison with the game earlier, there were only 36 maps and 9 large maps if you counted those in, so I think new maps and new native allies are a fun addition to the game. I recall that before this updated version, if you were to play a game online, then there was no single player AI to practice against, and the game culture focused on breaking down an opponent's base very quickly and often without pause breaks during the game. Treaty included here in this culture, I like the option of shorter games even with medium resources. So a lot of praise here for the developer team for creating new options and new expansion packs.

There are some other matters to address, such as lategame strength of civilizations such as Aztecs or Mexicans. That can be fixed though custom maps with triggers by things like negative HP for Soldados, or buffs to weak Aztec units. Triggers on maps can even be implemented per faction, say for Mexican Soldados -50 HP, but Spanish Soldados -0 HP. This was the approach I used in custom map modes for Legacy to create an auto-rebalance at the start of every match. But, however, I see that the future lies in the new content and not in custom maps entirely. DE balance is a different set of things than Legacy balance, partly because most of the original issues have been resolved. So that leaves future AI development and new game modes such as including military units at the start with your starting Town Center, or game modes with extra economic units (like Empire Wars) at the start of the game.

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

It's Mind-Blowing that a 10th grader moving to a different country makes a N3O Fan Patch, a patch about International Diplomacy and National History of Goverments around the World, with an interactive AI.

I'm writing about myself, and I'm happy to be healthy now after recovering from a fatigue sickness.

Good Gaming everyone!

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

The doctrines of elitism did not greatly influence the design and development of N3O Fan Patch.

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

If you played an online game, it was like this.

It wasn't like this if you played a Comp Stomp,

or if you played on Single Player,

or if you played LAN,

or if you played a Comp Stomp Online.

But it was like this if you played ranked multiplayer!

People wouldn't allow you to play Handicapped,

people wouldn't allow you to play for XP,

people wouldn't allow you to pick your map,

they would instead enter in your game

and ask you to change the map or they won't play.

If you legitimately won, then players wouldn't say gg,

if you won and they lost and were upset,

then they would drophack, meaning that they

would force the drop screen so that you had to leave

the game so that they would get points for winning.

Then if you picked a civ that you hadn't played,

then the others would say, 'NO OP', as if they could

destine your civ picking options, from what they

would say and what you should pick based on what they said.

Then during the game, middle of the game, they would

try to alter the rules agreement, so that they could

win more easily, or lure you off your guard.

Then if one unit got beat by your units, they would say,

'NO GAY', or 'THAT'S OP', meaning that it wasn't allowed.

To sum up the Wild West in short terms, people would not

allow common toilet breaks, or unless you were playing a LAN game,

they would not allow Dinner Breaks. Every break was a thing

to be exploited, all so that you could get more points.

And furthermore, the devs and mods (developers and moderators)

said that they could not change this, despite the fact

of holding monopolistic control over the knowledge of how to change this.

So that let Scenario Designers come up first of all,

then Mod Designers come second of all,

and AI Designers come third of all.

Fourth of all came map designers,

and I was the first one to combine extra units with an extra resource start.

I was the second one to come up with unit balance changes built into a map mode.

I was the first Modder to merge these all together.

I was the first Modder to remove Treaty Build Radius,

and the first to expand the Mercenaries available for all factions.

I was the first Modder to redo Campaigns, and also

I was the first Modder to make Custom Campaigns with Homecity Files Specific to them.

With my Bonus Expansion Pack, I found out how to get Mods working online.

I found out that to copy and paste them in, was all that was required

for them to work online. I found to copy and paste the backup

was all that was needed to install and uninstall the Mod manually.

But if I was to criticize the game culture, it would be inactive Moderators.

To do nothing is the approve of a bad game culture; to do a little,

even if it is just something, is a great change of game culture.

The Mods (Moderators) did nothing. They also said they could do nothing.

Then they changed it in favor of Rush Player Elites who did not

care for others or consider other players' playstyle or way of having fun.

They wanted it all. The above game culture was heightened by the fact

that no person was allowed to preach about discrimination,

although that was precisely what actually happened.

80% of the Community Members were ostracized by 20% of Mods and Elite Gamers.

And that's when I started with N3O Fan Patch. It was a strain,

and a very taxing effort on my part, but I am proud to be worthy

of calling myself a self-learned Modder and AI Designer.

It makes me happy to know that I contributed to foiling a plot on game control.

Also I am delighted that many non-ranked players REALLY ENJOYED my work

in all these fields, especially later in map design.

I think that I have really redone Age of Empires Culture,

and especially for the better for most gamers.

I think also that unless I did what I did here,

the game culture would still have been sickened,

by the same greed of power and control imposed by the heathen rush players.

Talk about having fun! 'It's not fun unless you get to abuse somebody all the time'.

Sounds like a massive bully aristocracy to me! And no voice for anyone else...

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

I would compare the Multiplayer Online Culture to a Mad Dog Panting Competition, where the goal was to outlast the opponent to take a toilet break before you needed one, and games would turn into an Apocalyptic Scenario where the point was to use Brutality to crush people instead of having fun. N3O Patch was made as a response to this online savagery, to offer something before custom maps came out with extra units and extra resources and built-in balance changes.

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

Now I want to talk about the balance, not about N3O Balance, but about game balance beforehand.

Why do Rifle Infantry get a Negative Bonus against Heavy Cavalry? I understand why they get it against Light Infantry, but when this was decided, it was a group of Expert Pros that 'decided' that this would be accomplished, and they got the say to change this, because 'they had played more' and that 'they knew the game better'. If all they do is play 15 minute games so that every rush game can be made into a mesh where their strategy can get to win all the time, what is the point of them actually creating a balance patch like Fan Patch 1.1a, or Fan Patch 1.2? I understand why Rifle Infantry would get a penalty against Elephants, because they can tank more damage. For Horse Units, its a different story. Before this time you could actually win the game by booming, building up, and winning with just Musketeers and Skirmishers and some Cannons, and Cavalry was considered and option. With the penalty vs Heavy Cavalry, this was even increased in Definitive Edition, such that the original purpose of having a good game is lost and that the rush players can get their way 24/7. Micro, move back and forth, pivot villagers in and out of Town Centers, burning down people's trading posts, and also, fish boom. But neither booming, nor turtling are allowed in this game mode. It isn't even profitable to turtle, unless you have a fishing economy or a water deck with Outpost Wagons or such. To think that in the hands of such as these, came the balance changes which affected all game modes, including Deathmatch and Treaty. And now on DE you can't even host a ranked game in Supremacy with being able to choose your map; the only thing you get is a ranked ladder where people who play 24/7 get their way all the time, claiming that this is the right way to think, without responsibility towards others, and without respect to other people's game modes. And also cussing and swearing. When has it been allowed to cuss the other team out if they don't play it your way? Is Custom AI the only way that people can get a good game, and not a civil code for online play? Is this fair? And then if you protest on the forums, you get answers like 'if was unfortunate that we had to remove your post', because it is view as 'competition'. Even if you were to improve their product this is what you get. And to think about this, this is crazy. You contribute to help a dysfunctional game culture, and what you get is boyish men here up on the top!

I didn't change this Rifle Infantry mechanic for the Fan Patch, but I did test it with custom Tech Upgrades in years past. I even tested 4.5 ROF for Musket/Rifle Infantry Units, with +25% more ranged attack, and 14 Range for Musketeers. But what I found out was that since it was iconic in the game, it was too much to go beyond it for a Fan Patch Mod. Anyways, thanks for reading!

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

The Winters in Norway coding the N3O Fan Patch were like the Winters at Valley Forge. Much toil and sweat and ultimately victory over the right to make a Fan Patch that included everybody, and not just the pros!

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

I played AOE3 back in 2005 and in 2008 when I joined N3O Clan, and then Fan Patch 1.1, 1.1a and 1.2 became popular and I tried it out, though usually I played Treaty, but with my buddies in N3O Clan I played Supremacy with them, though they knew I was a Treaty Player. During Fan Patch 1.1a and Fan Patch 1.2 I began to be curious, because I saw that the development of Ensemble Studios Patches correlated to many Fan Patch 1.1a/1.2 changes, and that this was a closed group of 30 gamers who decided the balance for the Fan Patch, and ES listened to their advice on game balance. However, when the first Treaty Patch came out, and borrowed some changes (on and shared about it there, then the supremacy players raved and raged against them, saying 'that they cannot borrow any of our ideas', and that 'it was stealing to take similar concepts'.

I understood then that there was a conspiracy with the Fan Patches, that the supremacy players only wanted an elite player base to decide the enjoyment of AOE3 as a game for a million other gamers. I decided to go into coding, and try my skill at making my own Fan Patch basing it on Age Sanctuary Fan Patch 1.2, and then posting a small modified Protoy and Techtreey on the same site. After reactions like, 'You a common player making a balance patch', and other negative things said, I decided to keep it away from Experts and then proposed a Fan Patch for the N3O Clan, where I would initially use the Fan Patch Launcher, and then later now I use manual install with backup. The original N3O Fan Patch wasn't fully compatible online, but I later solved this problem in the recent years. I also decided to keep the N3O Fan Patch balance fair by listening to ordinary players and not listening to pro gamers. This gave me some pressure to live with so in that time in around 2013 I also got a fatigue sickness that prevented me from completing the N3O Fan Patch.

I have more knowledge now to override the Fan Patch DataPY file for Random Maps, so as to get no errors online. Thus I used custom maps now to expand what the N3O Fan Patch can do, rather than using changed original maps. Also I cracked the code for new civilizations, and new minor civilizations as well as new land and water treasures. Also the AI has become more complete. Before it could play 11 civs well, Chinese and India alright, but couldn't play Japan because I didn't understand BiasInf and BiasCav would affect the AI's ability to train units. Also I did not understand that the AI behaves differently for training units on Post-Imperial games in comparison to games starting in Discovery or Colonial Age. I was able to use my AI from Horsemaster up to Freestyle and Klaxon to copy in earlier N3O AI coding, from Observatory Techs to new Market Techs and custom units to make a successfully updated AI project for N3O Fan Patch.

Then I started undoing many of the changes that I deemed were unnecessary after being able to test online with Custom Map Modes with built-in rebalance and extra unit starts and extra resources. With these I started rethinking the balance, and making newer N3O Fan Patch versions that were up to date for these game modes. I also rebalanced things that I had made earlier decisions on in 2013-2014 that I realized were not good, and also warship turn rate, warship speed, unit turn rate, and so on. With Alt-Right Click (attack-move) I was able to correctly use better management of military forces in-game, without having to use balance to adjust the outcome of battles in the first place. Now N3O Fan Patch uses up-to-date AI, an AI that can play every original civilization, and uses more of the custom upgrades and being able to maintain specialty units, like Disciples and War Dogs. But most importantly, it gives a good game every time! I borrowed many ideas from Bonus Expansion Pack, and recently I have made them more compatible to switch on and to switch off N3O Patch 1.4a and Bonus Expansion Pack.

Originally I just wanted to make a small patch, but the ridicule and pressure from other gamers wanting their way or no compromise made me stick with it, in order to demonstrate that all gamers deserve a chance to be listened to, and not just the specially elite!

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

When I was making N3O Fan Patch earlier a few years back, I discussed often with Sporting_Lisbon, and recently a few years ago I found out what was causing the Fan Patch not to work online. It was the new random map scripts that replaced the game's original map scripts. With the TAD Fan Patch Launcher v.18, which worked with the CD-Installation of the game, it used to trick the game by pretending to copy in the original RMs files, while then copying in the custom files, which allowed for rated online play. The cause of this at the time I was coding in 2014 was unknown to me. I had heard a little about this, until recently I discovered override files that were 1 kb and 3 kb that had the original map sets for Asian Dynasties, so I included those in the download. Second, I found that since early versions of the Gates for the AI + Proto Mod could work online (Bonus Expansion Pack), I guessed that the N3O Patch could also work online, so I tested without the new random map scripts, and viola! It came up with an error message, but I could play online with others who had it, and when I copied in the 1 kb and 3 kb override that are included with this download now, it worked like clockwork. So it was possible to play any amount of modded content so long as it didn't modify the original game map scripts!

I went for custom map scripts a few years prior to this, and carrier them far and wide above what I was able to do to previously, with cracking the code after studying the Hammerhead AI code to see how he got it working online, and after I realized that it was the Handicap bonuses that allowed it to work online, then I was no longer dragging the AI behind. So Horsemaster was the AI that got to play online first, then the other AI scripts that were developed. Flycatcher AI had a long time online, as well as Guardsman which followed it. Now when I play online it's either Klaxon Ultra or Freestyle AI. But cracking the codes in both Fan Patches and AI coding was a great difficulty because I am not a trained coder, I am self-taught, and the help from Ensemble Studios was abysmal, if not non-existent! 'We won't support custom maps'. A big thanks to Felix for making the Draugur AI, and for those who made early wall-mods for it, that helped me get started on this great project 12 years ago!

Anyways as long as all people playing have the same files installed, they can work online! And with AI mods online, players can have different AI mods installed, and the Host is the one which the game reads the AI mod from, so only the host needs the AI mod to make it work online! My AI mods use changed handicap for lower difficulties, so Expert works online whereas the others work on Single Player or with others who have the same AI or another AI that includes the same handicap changes to the lower difficulties.

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

If you notice in a match after installing the update to the AI where the AI does not build docks on water maps with one of the civilizations, switch difficulty, launch a game, exit, then switch back to the difficulty you want to use. This is a standard procedure on refreshing the AI after an update.

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

I've gotten the new Schooners card working for Bonus Expansion Pack 1.1a; but I haven't gotten it working in online multiplayer for N3O Patch 1.4a. I may consider keeping it for some civs, or may remove it from Iroquois and Sioux, where maybe I'd add a Native-Type Card for Fishing Boats instead.

EDIT: I've replaced the New Schooners Card with the Original Schooners Card, just for N3O Patch. This makes sure it works properly in Online Games.

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