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War in the East 2 Order of Battle Update Out Now

Published on November 27, 2023

The Order of Battle Update for War in the East 2 is out now. This massive update includes the addition of new OOB's to more accurately model the condition and organization of German divisions during the Second World War.

You can download this update via either Steam or the Matrix Forums.

The full changelog of this update is so massive, it literally cannot be presented here, the list of changes hits the character limit of this page. A full changelog can be viewed here for the OOB update. Access to the full living update manual can also be found here.


The organization of the Grossdeutschland division in May, 1944

These new formations model both the differing quality of equipment different divisions were supplied with, and the time period they historically were organized.

The changing shape of the Panzer division from 1941-1945

There is also increased variety for other Axis powers OOB's. Italy now has divisions modeled for the Metropole, North Africa, and the Russian Front.

From the halls of Garibaldi to the shores of Tripoli

Finally, security divisions now make use of captured foreign tanks.

Captured French and Czech tanks as part of a security division

While the changes to the Order of Battle are the most noticeable feature with this update, there are several others worth highlighting. Aircraft with anti-armor cannons are more likely to deliberately target AFV's, all scenarios were updated to include the new Division templates, there are a host of bugfixes and scenario updates including the correction of certain formation and location names, and changes to scenario reinforcement and supply pools.

We are very proud of this massive update, and hope you enjoy playing it.

Target Games
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