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Gary Grigsby's War in the East 2 Order of Battle Update Announcement

Published on November 07, 2023

A big update is on the way for War in the East 2.

If you follow the Matrix Forums, you will know there has been a big public Beta out for the last month with a slew of changes to WITE2. The number of bug fixes, tweaks, and scenario patches included in this update is truly massive.

The really substantial part however is the orders of battle. There are now an increased number of divisional templates to represent the variants of organization that were adopted on the Eastern Front during World War 2. These additions are especially noticebale for Germany infantry and Panzer divisions, modelling the different forms of organization and equipment adopted during the war. Just a short sample of updated features includes.

Data and Scenario Changes
• Major changes to the OB.dat file:
o Reorganization of data list by nation, unit type and size for easier and more logical viewing
o Comprehensive review and update of all Axis units (Italians are divided into Metropolitan, African and Russian variants of organization)
o Hundreds of new OBs to fill in gaps
o German Divisions now have numerous archetypes to reflect the varied nature of their organization and equipment (there used to be one standard infantry and panzer division - now there are numerous variants to use a wider variety of equipment)
o Better transition of Axis units that become equipped with Panzerfausts in late 1943 (all units should now have unit upgrades when the squads get updated to panzerfausts in Oct 43)
o Revised inclusion of German imported equipment into Axis minor OBs (Panzerschreks in Finnish units, German anti-tank guns and panzers in Italian, Rumanian, Finnish and Hungarian units)
o Different OBs with appropriate naming of motorized and non-motorized variants of units (Standard Pioneer unit versus a Motorized Pioneer unit)
o Reviewed/corrected the unit symbols used by OBs using the new editor feature and updated some units' symbols as being marine and light infantry.

These features are all already available on the beta branch of WITE2. This is available for download on the Matrix Forums or by opting into the beta via Steam.  We would like to thank everyone that helped beta test this update and the team members that developed it.

The Order of Battle update itself will be going live at the end of November, so you don't have to wait much longer to play with these changes.

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