Killer Ad Formats: Your Guide to Winning Creatives!

Killer Ad Formats: Your Guide to Winning Creatives!

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Monetizing your mobile app effectively requires choosing the right ad formats and integrating them seamlessly. In this article, we’ll dive into the different ad formats available, their pros and cons, and the best practices for integrating ads in a way that enhances user experience while maximizing your profits. Learn how to optimize your app’s strategy!

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Ad Formats

Banner Ads

Description: Small rectangular ads embedded within an app's interface, often appearing at the top or bottom of the screen.


  • Non-intrusive
  • Easy to implement
  • Can be displayed consistently


  • Generally lower eCPM compared to other formats
  • Can lead to "banner blindness" where users ignore them

Best Use: Ideal for apps with high user engagement and frequent usage, such as utility apps or casual games. 

Here’s an example of a banner ad we created for “MahJongg Candy Cane”: 

🔍 Visit Appvertiser+ to explore all the creatives our team crafted for apps just like yours. 🧑💻

Interstitial Ads

Description: Full-screen ads that cover the interface of their host app, typically displayed at natural transition points in the app (e.g., between game levels).


  • High visibility and engagement
  • Higher eCPM than banner ads


  • Can be intrusive if not used carefully
  • Risk of disrupting user experience

Best Use: Suitable for transition points in games and apps, such as level changes or content loading screens. 

Here’s an example we created for the Coinme app: 

Appvertiser + Creative Studio

Check out our creative studio to see how we can transform your ad campaigns with cutting-edge designs and innovative solutions. Trust us to ensure your ad creative optimization is always on point.

See how we helped Trebel achieve a -10% CPI using video ads!

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