From the course: Writing a Tech Resume

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Visual design tools

Visual design tools

- Visual design tools are one of the unique ways to build a resume, and they're becoming more and more popular. Visual design tools are applications which you can use to build high fidelity designs and graphics. Adobe Illustrator, Sketch and Figma are three well-known design tools that you can use to build your resume. These tools allow you to fully customize your design. Since you'll be designing your resume from scratch, you have full control over layout, color palette, typography and more. With full control over the design of your resume, you can be sure that no other candidate will have the same design or layout as you. Working with a vector graphics tool allows you to ensure your designs and illustrations are pixel perfect, and most of the design tools are native applications, meaning you can use them offline. Unfortunately, visual design tools come with a steep learning curve. They can also be expensive, and while…
