From the course: Writing a Tech Resume

Resume length

- One of the biggest challenges I faced when building my resume was fitting all of the content within one page. But if you'd asked me three years ago what my biggest challenge creating a resume was, it would be quite the opposite. When you're entering into an industry, filling an entire page with your education, work experience and skills can be daunting, because you haven't had time to accumulate a vast backlog. Yet, for those with five or six years in the industry, it can feel overwhelming to fit all of your content into one page. It's important to stick to the resume length rule. Unless you have more than seven years of experience in an industry, your resume should be restricted to one page. If you have more than seven years of experience, you can extend this limit to include additional pages, depending upon the amount of years in the industry. It's important to remember that recruiters will only spend a few seconds reviewing your resume. So the higher the page count, the less likely they will focus on the primary content. In order to keep your resume to one or two pages, it's important to be clear and concise. Don't delve into long winded descriptions of your relevant work experience. Everyone's resume will be different because your resume tells your professional story, thus, you have the ability to play with different formats to achieve the optimal length. Your resume might have sections that your coworker won't have. The important thing is that your resume lists all relevant and up-to-date information and presents the best possible representation of you. Understanding resume length will ensure that you include relevant information focused on achievements and will give you a leg-up on the competition.
