From the course: Word Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

What you should know

- [Instructor] Before we get started, here are some things you should know about this course. Firstly, I'm working with a newly updated version of Word here in Microsoft 365. Because Microsoft 365 is constantly being updated and improved, don't be alarmed if what you see on your screen does not always match exactly what appears on my screen. None of these discrepancies should affect your ability to complete the tasks we'll be performing. Now this course is tailored to those with little to no experience using any version of Microsoft Word and to those who are new to Word here in Microsoft 365. So you won't need any experience with Word to follow along with ease as we move through the chapters and movies in this course. If you're working with Word on a Mac computer, things will look different in this course from your version of Word. Instead, you may want to check out my Mac version of this course on LinkedIn Learning to follow along with greater ease. You'll also need to have a Microsoft 365 account or be subscribed to one of the Microsoft 365 Enterprise accounts in an organization and you'll need to be signed into that account to truly follow along with me. Now, this course does come with Exercise Files, a copy of the same files you'll see me working with on my computer. If you have access to them and want to follow along with me step by step, download them to a convenient location such as your desktop by clicking the "See All" link next to exercise files with the Overview tab selected in LinkedIn Learning. We'll take a closer look once we get started shortly. So if you do plan to follow along, you have a few options. You can open this course to watch on one device like a tablet or laptop and follow along on your PC. Or you can open this course to watch in one window on your PC and follow along in Word in a separate window sized and placed one on top of the other so you can see both windows at once. Or you can just sit back, watch the course, and pause at any time to flip over to Word to try something out. The choice is yours.
