From the course: Word Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Send documents via email

Send documents via email

- [David] When it comes time to share our Word documents with others, these days a more popular option than printing is to share an electronic copy. One way to do that is to send it as an attachment in an email message. But because Word is part of Microsoft 365, the good news is we don't have to save our document in the format we want to share, switch over to an email application, start a new message, attach the file, and then send it off. We can do it all from within Microsoft Word. It's what we're going to do with our Red30Conference09Final document here. We simply go up to the top right corner, click share, and select share from the very top. You'll see down at the bottom of this dialogue a couple of options to attach a copy to an email message. We can attach a Word document copy. People will receive it in Word format, be able to open it up in Word, make changes to their copy if they wanted to, or we can ensure that…
