From the course: Word Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

Inserting new text

- [Instructor] Because Microsoft Word is a word processing application, the type of content you'll be working with most often here in Word, is with text. So in this movie, we're going to explore inserting text into an existing document and how we type over existing text as well. We'll do it with our Red30 conference document but this version, 0201, which you'll find in the chapter two folder of your exercise files. You can see, I've added some additional text here for you. In fact, so much that it runs on to the next page. But we're going to start up here at the top. It's good to know when you want to add something to a document, you're not accidentally going to be typing over something. For example, if we go into this first full paragraph, after the word year's right before the C in conference, and click there. So you're flashing right in front of the C, and we want to add something here like Red30 Tech. We're not going to be typing over the word conference. Go ahead and type in Red30, leave a space, Tech, and a space. Everything gets pushed off to the right and in fact if we ran out a room on that line, it would be pushed down to the next line. And as we run out of space on the page, everything gets pushed down to a new page starting on page two, three, et cetera. So that's inserting text. Very straightforward. What if we do want to type over something though? Well, in that case, you might want to know about some selection techniques. We can select content before replacing it with something else. For example, down below we see 395 exhibitors and it's actually climbed to 450. We want to replace 395 with 450. Yes, we could click and backspace or delete the 395, or we can simply go to it and select it. Now we know we can click and drag to select content. That's one option, but there are some shortcuts you should know about. For example, double clicking a word, or in this case a number, will select it in its entirety. We could simply type 450 now and you can see, it's replaced the 395 nicely, a little bit faster and easier. If we need to select an entire line, we can go to the left margin, for example, next to early bird registration now open. When you move into the margin, your I-beam pointer changes to an actual pointer, an arrow, that you can click once to select an entire line. That goes for a line in a paragraph. Just go down next to the line and click, and you'll see that entire line gets selected. Anytime something's highlighted like that, we can type over it, we can format it, we can move it around. Lots we can do, and we will as we move through the chapters in this course. Double-clicking in the left margin does something else. It selects the entire paragraph. Of course, we could go inside a paragraph and triple-click. That'll do it as well. But by going into the margin, we save ourselves those clicks. One click for a line, double click for an entire paragraph. So these are selection techniques you're going to use to do a number of different things besides just removing text and replacing it with something else. We'll be using these techniques as we move through the chapters and start formatting and changing the way things are aligned in our document to improve its appearance. These are all things that are coming up.
