From the course: Word Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Change page layout

Change page layout

- [Narrator] Just as we can format individual pieces of text or paragraphs in a Word document, we can also make adjustments to entire pages. That's going to be our focus in this chapter, beginning with page layout options that we're going to explore with our Red30Conference document 0501, from the chapter five folder of your exercise files if you're catching up. We're using some of the defaults for this page setup and we have made some adjustments, such as to the margins. When making adjustments or formatting pages, it's a good idea to be able to see the entire page. So we're going to begin by going up to the view tab here on the ribbon and in the zoom group, we're going to click one page. As you can see from the bottom right corner on the zoom slider, that's going to zoom us out or down to a level that allows us to see the entire page. Not great for reading the content on our page, but it will help when we start making…
