From the course: Word Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

Change font formatting

- [Instructor] Because most of your Word documents will contain mostly text, it's important to know how to grab your reader's attention by creating visual interest. And a great way to do that is to apply formatting to your text. That's what we're going to explore in this movie with our Red30 Conference document, 0301, if you're catching up. As we click anywhere in this document and go to the ribbon with the Home tab selected and look at the font group, you'll get a hint about what type of formatting comes with this document by default. For example, the font face appears here as Calibri body and the size is set to 11 points. I don't see any of these attributes like bold, italic, underline, for example, being highlighted or selected, so it's very plain text at this point. This can be monotonous. So, to add some visual interest, we'll start applying some of these formatting attributes. And we'll begin with the entire document. Maybe we want to change it from Calibri to a different font face. Well, in that case, we need to select the entire document first. We can click and drag through multiple pages or here's the shortcut, hold down Control and press the letter A, as in all. That selects everything in your document. Any changes you make now will be applied to the entire document. So if we did go up to where we see Calibri here and click the dropdown arrow, you'll see a number of different font face types to choose from. And as we hover over these, we get a feel for what it's going to look like in the background if we make that selection. Actually, I think we're okay with Calibri, so we'll select it. Keep it selected and consistent throughout our document but just make changes to parts of our text. So we'll click in the background to deselect and start with the paragraph, beginning with, "The distinctive ability". Double click in the left margin. We know that's the shortcut to select the entire paragraph. Now you'll see the quick formatting toolbar show up with many of the same options we saw on the ribbon. And we might just want to change, for example, the size of this. Let's change it to 16 points. Currently, we see 11. You can click the dropdown to see presets. 16 is one of them. As we hover over that, we can see in the background what that might look like. 18 is too big. 16 is good. And by the way, if you want it 15, you could type it in where you see 11 right now at the top. I think 16 is a good size. Give it a click. Click in the background, and already our document's looking different. Let's go to the next line, "Early bird registration now open!" and click in the left margin to select the entire line. I think the same size here, 16, but we could also bold this to make it stand out. Click the bold button. Control + B being the keyboard shortcut. Very nice. Click in the background, it stands out too. Let's go to the next line, "450 exhibitors" and click once to select that entire line. I'm thinking here maybe 14 points. These buttons you see next to the dropdown will allow you to go through the presets, increasing or decreasing the font size. Click the increase font size once, it takes you to 12. Click it again, takes you to 14. Again, 16. We want to go down, so we'll click the next button back down to 14 points but we're going to bold this and change the font color. The font color button will take you to the last used color but you can click the dropdown arrow to see all the colors available. There are standard colors everyone will see and then there are colors that come with the template. These are the theme colors and the theme colors have their own shades as well down below. Notice as we hover over these, we get a real-time preview of what that might look like in the background. So we're going to go four swatches in from the left here at the top to the blue gray text two swatch and click it to apply that color. Click in the background to deselect. That looks pretty good. It's really starting to change. It's getting more interesting. Let's go to the line, "For complete details". Already we see some formatting was applied automatically because this is a hyperlink, but we can click in the left margin. And if we wanted to do something like just change the size of this to 12, we could use the increase font size button and click in the background. Very nice. Alright, let's go up to the top here because this first line really needs to stand out more than it does right now. We can go into the left margin even though it's centered here, left margin, click once to select the entire thing. And I think we need multiple changes here. First of all, let's go to the dropdown for the size and try 20. Yeah, that looks pretty good. That's the largest. I think it should be bolded as well. If you don't like the bolding, click it again to turn it off. But I think we need it so we'll click once again to toggle it back on. And I think that color we use down below, that blue gray color looks good. If we go to the font color button now, we can just click it because it's the last one we applied. You can see how it's applied to our selected content. Click in the background to deselect. Now our first page is really starting to look different. It's a lot more interesting. It's going to hold our reader's attention just by making a few adjustments. Of course, there's more things we can do to text in our document. We'll do some of those next.
