From the course: Using Rust with Python

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Run Python with embedded Rust

Run Python with embedded Rust - Rust Tutorial

From the course: Using Rust with Python

Run Python with embedded Rust

- PyO3 also can use embedded Python from Rust. And this is very powerful because if you already have scripts for example, or library code in Python, or maybe you have some little bits of algorithms or custom logic, business logic, and you want to use it within the confines of Rust, do command line tools, microservices, serverless functions, a great way to think about this would be to put that piece of Python as a full script. Maybe it's already tested. You're really, you know, confident about the ability of this Python code and leverage the Rust ecosystem. So you can see here pretty straightforward, build out a function, use this PyO3, prepare free threaded Python, use Python with the gill so you release the gill and then put your code inside. Now what's interesting as well is that PyO3 can interact with functions and even call them and send input, which is pretty exciting. So let's go ahead and take a look at how that would work. All right, here we have a layout for Marco Python…
