From the course: Using Rust with Python

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Polars CLI in Rust

Polars CLI in Rust - Rust Tutorial

From the course: Using Rust with Python

Polars CLI in Rust

- [Instructor] Using Rust with Polars is a great solution because of the performance, but even better is to integrate a command line interface. Fortunately, Rust has many options for this, including the CLAP interface that I'm going to use here. Let's go ahead and take a look at how CLAP allows you to build a very fast command line tool interface. Alright, let's go ahead and CD into Polars CLI here, which has all the code that we're going to work with. So I'm going to CD into Polars CLI and next up I'm going to take a look at the code first in the source directory. So a couple things to be aware of here. Whenever you're looking at a Rust based project, one nice thing that I like to do is do tree -I and then do target. And what this does is shows me a nice structure for what is inside of my project. So if you're looking at somebody else's project, for example, if you run tree -I target, so basically, you know, exclude that directory, but show me the tree of everything else here. You…
