From the course: Unreal Engine: Creating Templates for Visualization Projects

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Creating useful folder structures

Creating useful folder structures

- [Instructor] Having set up power base project in the introduction chapter, we are ready to start building the kind of template or templates that we will likely want to use on our day-to-day work projects, it being perfectly feasible of course, to have a variety of starting templates from which to choose if we regularly, either as a freelancer or as a studio, work on a variety of project types. From inside the Unreal content browser then, after having dismissed the new plugins message, if needed, the very first thing that I will want to do here is make certain that the sources panel over on the left-hand side of the UI, is open, given that it can help save quite a bit of time when navigating through a projects folder structure, simply because we don't have to travel backwards and forwards through the breadcrumb trail in order to navigate the hierarchies that we may have set up. Now, hopefully it does go without saying here that…
