From the course: Understanding the Impact of Deepfake Videos

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What is deepfake audio?

What is deepfake audio?

- Deep fake video gets a lot of attention, but its equally remarkable counterpart, deep fake audio, is just as crucial to be aware of. Deep fake audio is synthetic audio that is meant to mimic the voice of an actual person. There are various ways of creating synthetic audio, and just like deep fake video, the technology continues to improve all the time. One method of synthetic audio creation is synthesis, which is where AI creates spoken word from the written word. Descript's Overdub technology is an example of this. Take a look at their demo video where you'll see the tech in action, which also includes the ability to rearrange and edit text within an existing recording. - [Catherine] Hi, my name is Catherine, and I am a real person. - [Kathryn] And I am Kathryn, I'm Catherine's Overdub voice. - [Catherine] I created Kathryn by recording 10 minutes of audio into Descript. - [Kathryn] Thank you. - [Catherine] No, thank you.…
