From the course: Understanding the Impact of Deepfake Videos

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What is a shallowfake video?

What is a shallowfake video?

- Some manipulated videos that often get lumped together with deep fakes aren't actually deep fakes at all because they don't use deep fake technology. Instead, they use much simpler editing tools. These videos are called shallow fakes, but can achieve similarly realistic results. One common shallow fake editing technique is manipulating video speed. So, when you slow a video down, what happens? Well, everything moves and sounds a bit slower, right? In terms of human speech, it can sound like someone is impaired. Take this example of a shallow faked video of Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. - We want to give this president the opportunity do something historic for our country. - She doesn't sound completely in charge of her faculties there, does she? This was floated widely on social media and many people were absolutely fooled. Here's the original clip, by the way. - We want to give this president the opportunity…
