From the course: Understanding the Impact of Deepfake Videos

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What are the dangers of deepfake videos?

What are the dangers of deepfake videos?

- You can probably imagine many scenarios where deep fake videos could cause a great deal of harm. Just think if rogue individuals or partisan groups or terrorists make deep fake videos about various world affairs or political events. Millions of people might incorrectly believe doctored, hot-mike footage of a high-profile person admitting to a major crime, or a speech where a president announces something catastrophic like the launch of nuclear weapons. Legal scholars, Bobby Chesney and Danielle Citron, sum up the threats pretty well. They say that deep fakes are capable of, "Distorting Democratic discourse; "manipulating elections; eroding trust in institutions; "weakening journalism; exacerbating social divisions; "undermining public safety; "and inflicting hard-to-repair damage "on the reputation of prominent individuals, "including elected officials and candidates for office." And while many deep fake videos can often…
