From the course: Understanding the Impact of Deepfake Videos

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- I hope this course has provided you a good understanding of the different types of deepfake technology. My goal was to make you aware of the possibilities and talk about some of the dangers and benefits of synthetic video and audio. At the least, I want you to be diligent, be an informed citizen, and as you browse social media, just know that inauthentic media is out there. Do your duty in following up with any controversial videos that deserve a second look, especially with politically motivated material. It's usually not too difficult to ensure authenticity with just a little research. If you want to learn more about deepfake technology, there's a wealth of information out there. One source I'd encourage you to follow up with is MIT's "In Event of Moon Disaster" website, which offers lots of additional educational materials to teach you all about both video and audio deepfaking techniques. I'm Ashley Kennedy. I can't…
