From the course: Understanding the Impact of Deepfake Videos

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An interview with a deepfake expert, part 2

An interview with a deepfake expert, part 2

From the course: Understanding the Impact of Deepfake Videos

An interview with a deepfake expert, part 2

- Noelle, I'd like to delve into some of the disadvantages of speech synthesis. If this type of technology ends up in the wrong hands, what do you see as being some of the dangers? - There is this danger that we might create something that is, you know, my idea would be to create an authentic voice for me to serve my very personal needs. But once that data is created, now anyone can use that data. And I think this is true overall that as we build solutions for very specific use cases that are wholesome and good and want to save the world, that that data, once it's captured and once it's created, can be used for anything. So one of the biggest dangers is how do we create systems or processes in place that protect the future intention, right? 'Cause when we're building this software, we're not building it just for one thing. We have no idea what 10 years from now they'll use that data to do or say. So thinking about that ahead of…
