From the course: TypeScript Essential Training

Sample code and other online resources - TypeScript Tutorial

From the course: TypeScript Essential Training

Sample code and other online resources

- [Instructor] TypeScript was created and is maintained by Microsoft, which means that it has always had great documentation. In this course, I'm going to show you how to use all of the parts of TypeScript that I use on a regular basis to maintain extensive and complicated code bases. However, I've elected not to show you some of the most advanced or complicated parts of TypeScript, parts that I have not really had a need for in my regular development. So, I expect you won't either. More importantly, both JavaScript and TypeScript continue to evolve and you'll want to keep up. No matter what the reason, if you're looking for more information about TypeScript, you'll find it at As for the code you'll see me write throughout this course, I've captured a snapshot of it at the end of every video, and it's available to you in two ways. Your first option is to download the exercise file as one big archive file on this website. Simply click the Download Exercise Files button on the page you're currently on. This archive will contain a whole bunch of folders. The naming convention of these folders is chapter and movie number. Most videos will have two folders: a beginning and an end state. These are marked with the letters B for beginning and E for end The B folder contains the code as it is at the beginning of the movie, and the E folder contains the code as it is at the end of the movie. So, as an example, the folder named 02_03B corresponds to the beginning state of the second chapter and the third video in that chapter. The second option to get access to the source code is through my GitHub repository for this course. You can find it at the link shown on your screen and in the course notes. In the main branch of this repository, you'll find all of the exercise file in a folder structure that mirrors the exercise files zip archive. In addition to that, I've also created a branch for every video that has code. The branches are structured to correspond to the videos in the course following the naming convention used to name the folders in the zip archive. So, for the beginning state of chapter two, video three, you would select the 02_03 branch. If you're familiar with the Git source control system, or you're just interested in looking at the files in a browser, I highly recommend the GitHub option. However, if you're unfamiliar with Git, or you prefer to have the source code for all of the videos downloaded once and available immediately, then feel free to download the exercise files directly from the training website. Either way, the full source code is there if you need it.
