From the course: TypeScript Essential Training

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Creating decorator factories

Creating decorator factories - TypeScript Tutorial

From the course: TypeScript Essential Training

Creating decorator factories

- [Instructor] In the previous video, I showed you how to create a method decorator to wrap a methods functionality. And I used this authorized decorator to demonstrate. I also pointed out, however, that this implementation didn't allow us to pass in any parameters, such as which role we expect the user to have, like the existing code does. The problem is that a decorator must have the signature that my example decorator currently has with the target property and descriptor parameters. How then do we pass in a custom parameter like I want to do here? By wrapping the decorator definition in another function called a decorator factory. As its name implies, a decorator factory is a function that creates decorators. In other words, our current decorator definition now becomes the return value of another function, like this. With this wrapper in place, we are now free to define whatever signature we like, including whichever…
