From the course: TypeScript Essential Training

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Adding TypeScript to an existing solution

Adding TypeScript to an existing solution - TypeScript Tutorial

From the course: TypeScript Essential Training

Adding TypeScript to an existing solution

- [Instructor] In the introduction to this course, I showed you TypeScript in action, adding valuable static typing to your projects. In order to gain access to this information, however, you'll need to configure TypeScript in your application. If you're using an editor that has built-in support for TypeScript, such as Visual Studio Code, like I'm using here, the only thing you'll need to add is the TypeScript configuration file to the root of your application's code base. This file is called tsconfig.json. There are plenty of configuration options available but I'm going to start with just one: include. And I'll supply it a parameter of the paths to the files that I'd like to include. Here I'm telling it to look for all of the files under the src or source folder under this current folder. This defines the scope of this TypeScript project. Now I can save this file and run the TypeScript compiler to see what happens.…
