From the course: Turning Data into Strategies

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Visualize your data

Visualize your data

Data analysis is a way of telling stories visually. Visuals do more than represent data. They communicate stories, highlight trends, and makes complex information accessible and compelling. With the right visual tools, you can not only see the data but also understand and act upon it. In this lesson, I'll explain how visuals can make complex information clear and reveal what insights you want your data to tell. First, you need to simplify complex information. I've received this question so many times over the last few years, "How can I best present a complex data set?" The answer is almost always by using data visualizations. Raw data is often inaccessible. Without visuals, your audience wouldn't be able to detect patterns and relationships between data points. Numbers that might have no meaning in a spreadsheet are simplified and become crystal clear in the form of a chart, dashboard, or infographic. Next, it's crucial to identify the insights in the data. More often than not, the…
