From the course: Turning Data into Strategies

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Select the right metrics

Select the right metrics

Not too long ago, I failed. I was working on an analysis report and assumed that I should be using our standard metrics as KPIs or key performance indicators. Those were metrics that the organization had used for a long time to measure their success. But because the ad campaign I was analyzing was set up differently from previous campaigns, our standard metrics weren't telling the whole story. I failed because I didn't take the time to really analyze the situation and identify the right metrics to give me an accurate picture. This ultimately impacted the success of my project. In this lesson, I'll share with you the secrets I've learned so you can select the right metrics when presenting data. The first step is to understand the context around your data. Getting the context of data right is crucial. It helps to make smart choices, figure out what the data is telling you, and make things work better. For example, if you're working with survey data, find out how the data was collected…
