From the course: Turning Data into Strategies

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Measure success over time

Measure success over time

When it comes to sharing insights, it's vital to measure results over time. This ongoing process ensures that progress is continually tracked and evaluated. First, review your objectives. Ask yourself questions such as, what defines success? Or what action is your audience looking to take? Based on the answer to these questions, you should narrow your focus. For example, this could be to increase revenue or website traffic. Ensure that these objectives are top of mind every time you reanalyze the data or look at new data to track progress. Second, review your key performance indicators or KPIs and benchmarks. KPIs are a set of metrics used to measure performance. When developing KPIs, ensure they are relevant to your audience and are rooted in data. Then be sure to track them regularly so you can gauge success. For instance, a KPI could be the number of hotel bookings via a website or percentage of customer satisfaction. Track your KPIs regularly to gauge success. Benchmarks are…
