From the course: Turning Data into Strategies

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Highlight actionable next steps

Highlight actionable next steps

Merely sharing insights isn't enough. When you provide insights, your role doesn't end with just presenting the information. Your goal should be to make the insights actionable and to provide specific next steps. In this lesson, I'll provide tips on how to bridge the gap between insights and the next steps to ensure that your presentations go beyond information sharing. First, establish a clear link between your insights and the next steps that your audience should take. Let's say that your insights says that sales dropped month over month due to a strong offer that a competitor launched. In that case, your recommended next step could be for the marketing department to highlight an existing offer or for the company to offer better discounts. Remember to prioritize the most important, actionable next steps, even if that means potentially having one actionable point linked to more than one insight. Next, ensure that the recommended next steps are realistic. Way too often, I see data…
